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Firewall. Aaron Sherwood-Blog. Firewall is an interactive media installation created with Mike Allison . A stretched sheet of spandex acts as a membrane interface sensitive to depth that people can push into and create fire-like visuals as well as expressively play music. The original concept stems from a performance piece I’m currently developing as Purring Tiger (with Kiori Kawai) titled Mizalu, which will premiere in June 2013. During one scene in the performance dancers will press into the spandex with the audience facing the opposite side.

Mizalu is about death and experience of reality, so this membrane represents a plane that you can experience but never get through. As hard as you try to understand what’s in between life and death, you can never fully know. The piece was made using Processing, Max/MSP, Arduino and a Kinect. The Kinect measures the average depth of the spandex from the frame it is mounted on. User Testing: GaijinPot. Gorgeous Homes Made From Shipping Containers - Gallery - The Breeze. » Click to close « Sign up for mediaworks now to access lots of extra features across our family of websites. The relatively cheap shipping container is a good foundation for a strong home. Here are some eye-catching creations. Posted on Thursday 17 October 11:10 a.m. Adorable guest house with wooden floor and garden on top Left Right Like The Breeze on Facebook and sign up for our weekly e-letter to stay up-to-date.

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Take a Look. Niklas Agevik's blog - 20 lessons about making viral apps I learned the hard way. I have a lot of people to thank for this post - too many to mention that have shared their knowledge with me. But above all, this post would not have been possible without the team we have at Instabridge. So, 20 lessons about making viral apps I learned the hard way: 1) Buying downloads is cheap. Facebook is cheapest, AdMob is second cheapest. It should not cost more than $1 to buy a download. If you spend more than $1000 to get your first 1,000 users you are doing something wrong. 2) Having an app that requires a user’s friends to use the app is a problem to be solved, not a viral hook. 3) Users uninstall apps aggressively. 3) Retention is your most important measure. 4) The younger users are, the more they hate having to login with Facebook. 5) Learn App store SEO (AEO). 6) In Western Europe and the US, Android fragmentation is a negligible problem when you start out. 7) You need to have a QA process from the start. 8) Mixpanel is the gold standard for measurements in mobile apps.

A Lion Made from 4,000 Pieces of Hammered Metal by Selçuk Yılmaz. Created from nearly 4,000 pieces of metal scraps, Aslan (Turkish for Lion), is a recent sculpture by Istanbul-based artist Selçuk Yılmaz. The piece took nearly a year of work and involved hand-cutting and hammering of each individual metal piece. The final work weighs roughly 550 pounds (250kg). While we’ve seen dozens of artists use multiple components to create a final form, it’s worth noting how well the bent mental lends itself to the final shape of this impressive cat. You can see much more of his work on Behance. PHOTO. The next set of posts... Elena Shumilova / Photos. Main/Parking Garage. The Machine.

The Machine.

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