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How to Franchise Your Small Business. IVC-Online: Israeli High-Tech and Venture Capital Database. Supportive Community – Women's Business Development Center. Supportive Community - Women’s Business Development Center is a non-governmental organization that supports Israeli female micro-entrepreneurs in establishing and operating micro-businesses.

Supportive Community – Women's Business Development Center

Based in Tel Aviv, the organization provides women with training in basic business skills, coordinates their applications for micro-loans, and organizes business fairs, lectures and workshops to help women manage and grow their enterprises. In addition, it offers personal guidance and mentoring to its clients. Through these services, the organization aims to help Israeli women improve their economic and social status. In Hebrew, the organization is known as Sviva Tomehet (סביבה תומכת). Supportive Community places particular emphasis on helping women from diverse cultural backgrounds, new immigrants and minorities. History[edit]

The Israel Small and Medium Enterprises Authority (ISMEA) Coworking office space in Tel Aviv משרדים להשכרה חללי עבודה משותפים. AngloBusiness Center (@AngloBizCenter) FAQ's - Common questions when starting a business - London Ontario Small Business Centre. Start by defining your business objectives; think about who is going to read the plan.

FAQ's - Common questions when starting a business - London Ontario Small Business Centre

Your objectives can help you decide how much emphasis to put on various sections of your plan. Anglo Business Center. Community and Absorption - Maalot Tarshiha Municipality. Community: The activity is characterized by being divided into quarters, Ma'alot (4) Tarshiha (3).

Community and Absorption - Maalot Tarshiha Municipality

A coordinator is appointed for each quarter on behalf of the municipality, and he serves as a 'control unit' for the municipality, in the physical, social and cultural domains- mapping the needs of the quarter regularly and annually, bringing up the needs with the relevant factors within the municipality, activating the bodies within the community and supervising their actions. The core of activity is partnering with the residents through a "Residents' Partnership" project. A community social worker coordinates this program in cooperation with the municipal staff. The Mishol Project- initiated by the Joint. L2 Business Intelligence. Resources for start ups.


What we offer. Top Gun: Entrepreneurial Accelerator Program. Promoting your accelerator. 8 Insights for Attracting Angel Investors. Most entrepreneurs have found by now one or more of the many popular crowdfunding sites, and have the name and contact information for at least one of the big venture capital firms.

8 Insights for Attracting Angel Investors

But many have no insight or connections to the ethereal angel investment community, which actually funds more startups then all other venture sources combined (over $25 billion annually). How to attract the best startups to your acceleration program - Fundacity blogFundacity blog. Imagine an accelerator.

How to attract the best startups to your acceleration program - Fundacity blogFundacity blog

Their program is amazing, the offer for startups second to none and the mentors assembled are master ninjas in their respective fields. They post the application online, do some buzz on social media and… get a bunch of random applications, some of which are not even from startups. Dallas is Getting a Shiny New Real Estate Accelerator. Dallas is at the top of the food chain when it comes to Fortune 500 companies, which is why it’s spawned some top innovations from companies like Tech Wildcatters.

Dallas is Getting a Shiny New Real Estate Accelerator

The team there prides themselves on being the best B2B focused accelerator in the city, and big part of that success is related to Dallas’ ecosystem. VetLaunch Accelerates Veterans to New Careers. The job market is always a contentious subject for debate, especially when it comes to reducing the unemployment rate.

VetLaunch Accelerates Veterans to New Careers

This is especially true for veterans leaving the military who are entering the civilian workforce, many of whom feel their options may be limited. Whether it be law enforcement, government contractors, or another secure job, the initial options may appear to be limited. Startup Accelerator - Business Plan. Israel's Top Five Accelerators. Accelerator Definition Wikipedia. Rs425-Innovation-Accelerators-Report-FINAL.pdf. Venture Incubators and Accelerators. Business, or venture incubators and accelerators have been around for quite a time, but now business accelerators are spreading across the US, as early stage investors, entrepreneurs, and policymakers try to speed how long it takes to create new ventures.

Venture Incubators and Accelerators

Unlike many business assistance programs, business incubators do not serve any and all companies. Gvahim. Start-up Accelerator Program. Koret Foundation - STRIVE ISRAEL -      Strive Israel      About AngelPad. AngelPad is an intensive mentorship program founded by ex-Googler Thomas Korte to help web-technology startups build better products, raise the funding they need to succeed and ultimately grow more successful businesses.

About AngelPad

In 2015, AngelPad was ranked No.1 by MIT’s U.S Seed Accelerator Rankings and Strictly VC named it the “Anti Y-Combinator“. Since launching in 2010, AngelPad companies have raised over $250m in funding and generated over $800m in exit value. Exits include Mopub (acq. by Twitter), Adku (acq. by Groupon), Astrid and Blink (acq. by Yahoo), Spotsetter (acq. by Apple) and several others. Twice a year, AngelPad provides an 10-week intensive mentorship session to a dozen carefully selected startups.

Companies that join AngelPad are in different stages, from idea stage to early traction, but most of them have not raised money and are within 6 to 12 month of starting up. Tel Aviv Startup City. Make Aliyah. Move to Israel. Live the Dream. Business Mentoring. About Y Combinator. What We Do Y Combinator provides seed funding for startups.

About Y Combinator

Seed funding is the earliest stage of venture funding. It pays your expenses while you’re getting started. Some companies may need no more than seed funding. Others will go through several rounds. At Y Combinator, our goal is to get you through the first phase. More Than Money We make small investments in return for small stakes in the companies we fund. All venture investors supply some combination of money and help. Incentives and Benefits. Enshrined into its legislation through laws designed to encourage economic growth, the State of Israel seeks to offer maximally supportive conditions for companies seeking to invest in Israel. Part of a slew of incentives and benefits, the State of Israel encourages international and local investment by offering conditional grants, reduced tax rates, tax exemptions and other tax-related benefits through the Law for the Encouragement of Capital Investments and Industrial R&D.

Benefits are offered via two primary government agencies within the Ministry of Economy. The Israel Investments Center The Israel Investments Center at the Israel Ministry of Economy seeks to accelerate the establishment and expansion of industrial activity by offering support to eligible companies. Seeking to maximize Israel's industrial and productive capacity, its support stimulates business and job growth, while developing Israel's priority regions and promoting special populations.

Quotes. TheHive by Gvahim. 10 Best Chamber of Commerce Websites of 2014. As this year draws to a close, I thought now would be the perfect time to take a look back at the best chamber of commerce websites of 2014. What makes these chamber websites "the best? " Stunning full-width photography, flat design, cool interactive effects, vibrant colors—these are just a few of the elements that make these websites great. Municipality Information and Programs Database.

Chambers of commerce.