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Excel + Office-tricks

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Open each Excel spreadsheet in new window - | I am sure you have noticed that when you already have a spreadsheet open and you open another via Windows Explorer it opens in the same instance of Excel. How great would it be to have each spreadsheet open in it’s own instance (multi monitors anyone?). Well you can and it’s easy to do. Just follow the instructions below. You have to tell Excel not to use DDE to open the worksheet. Open Windows Explorer, Tools, Options, File Types Scroll down to XLS Select Advance Button Click on OPEN in the Actions window, Then Edit On the 2nd line for application used add "%1".

Make sure to put the quotes around %1. Sourced from Techrepublic. Power User Corner. Excel Speed Mouse Tricks. Tricks in Excel – everyone should learn some. I’ve used Excel for over 10 years and some of the coolest tricks I know are the simplest to learn. Little tricks can help you become a more powerful Excel user as they simplify and speed up your work. And there’s a delicious range of mouse tricks I’d like you to discover today. You might say to yourself “Surely I know how to use the mouse in Excel, everyone knows. Why do I need any more tips and tricks?” I understand the feeling – but actually there are so many ways to really use the mouse effectively in Excel that probably 80% of users are not using the mouse as effectively as they could. This includes people who love keyboard shortcuts (like me). First here is our 13 minute video with our Top 20 mouse tricks for Excel. Scroll past the video highlights to the Top 20 Mouse Tricks for Excel for step-by-step instructions. Click on the video below to play it and listen to my audio commentary.

Video highlights Section 1 – Excel Ribbon Tricks 1. 2. 3. Query Table with Excel as Data Source. Query tables can be of great help if you need to extract particular data from a data source It represents a worksheet table built from data returned from an external data source, such as an SQL server or a Microsoft Access database. The QueryTable object is a member of the QueryTables collection However, it need to be SQL server or a Microsoft Access database always. You can use CSV file or our fellow Microsoft Excel spreadsheet as a data source for QueryTable Here is one such example, which extracts data from MS Excel sheet Sub Excel_QueryTable() Dim oCn As ADODB.ConnectionDim oRS As ADODB.RecordsetDim ConnString As StringDim SQL As String Dim qt As QueryTable ConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:\SubFile.xls;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;Persist Security Info=False"Set oCn = New ADODB.ConnectionoCn.ConnectionString = ConnStringoCn.Open SQL = "Select * from [Sheet1$]" Set oRS = New ADODB.RecordsetoRS.Source = SQLoRS.ActiveConnection = oCnoRS.Open End Sub See also:

Who Knew Excel Could Do That? Ten Top Tips.