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Nand Ghar - Child Welfare Programme in India. Mission Committed to the Prime Minister’s national vision of eradicating child malnutrition, providing education, healthcare and empowering women with skill development.

Nand Ghar - Child Welfare Programme in India

Vision Transforming the lives of 8.5 Cr children and 2 Cr women across 13.7 lakh Anganwadis in India through Nand Ghars, fulfilling Hon. Prime Minister's commitment towards Swacch Bharat, Beti Pachao Beti Padhao and Startup India by equipping Nand Ghars with televisions for e-learning, solar panels for reliable power, safe drinking water and clean toilets. About Nand Ghars are a network of Modern Anganwadis designed to address the challenges faced by the network of 13.7 lakh Anganwadis in India. Government Convergences Vedanta has signed a MoU with the Ministry of Women and Child Development to construct 4000 Nand Ghars across India. Nand Ghar project is in line with Hon. Infrastructure The state-of-art technology and infrastructure makes Nand Ghar a model resource centre for the community.

CSR - Socially Responsible Company in India. Our programs focus on poverty alleviation programs, especially integrated development, which impacts the overall socio-economic growth and empowerment of people, in line with the national and international development agendas.

CSR - Socially Responsible Company in India

The major thrust areas will be - Children's Well-being & Education Women's Empowerment Health Care Drinking Water & Sanitation Agriculture & Animal Husbandry Skilling the Youth for new opportunities Environment Protection & Restoration Sports & Culture Development of Community Infrastructure Participate in programs of national importance including but not limited to disaster mitigation, rescue, relief and rehabilitation The CSR Activities will be as per Annexure 1 or any other activity specified in Schedule VII of the Companies Act. The above may be modified from time to time, as per recommendations of the CSR Committee of the Company. Sustainable Livelihood, Development & Community - Vedanta Limited. As a responsible corporate citizen, the Company focuses on community development through its CSR activities.

Sustainable Livelihood, Development & Community - Vedanta Limited

Our community activity is delivered at a local, regional, and state/national level to ensure that the business is able to effectively maximise its impact in facilitating socio-economic development. The majority of our initiatives are carried out in collaboration with community organisations and are developed in partnership utilising a needs-based approach to community investment, underpinned by the use of the 'Public-Private-People-Partnership' (4Ps) model. Fundamentally we work to help communities identify their priorities through externally delivered needs assessment programmes and then work closely with them to design programmes that seek to make progress towards meeting these. In order to maximise the outcomes and impacts that the business can have, we focus on seven key areas through our community investment activities, which we outline below. Education Women Empowerment. Stakeholder Management & Community Engagement - Vedanta Limited. Protecting and respecting human dignity is central to our everyday business operations.

Stakeholder Management & Community Engagement - Vedanta Limited

Moreover, as a global company working in a range of developing countries, we believe we have an important contribution to make through the example we set by our behaviours. Our human rights policy is aligned to the UN Guiding Principles on business and human rights and includes strict prohibition of child or forced labour - either directly or through contract labour. Additionally, our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (Code) commits us to comply with all relevant national laws and regulations, underpinning our approach to protecting the fundamental rights of all our direct and indirect employees.

Human Rights Management. Green Mining - Sustainable Mining Company in India - Vedanta Limited. Largest Producer of Silver in India - Vedanta Limited. Largest Producer of Copper in India - Vedanta Limited. Copper We operate one of the largest custom copper smelters in India, and are also among the largest copper rod producers in the country.

Largest Producer of Copper in India - Vedanta Limited

Our copper operations comprise among the most efficient custom copper smelters globally, with the lowest operating cost. According to experts, the domestic demand for refined copper, currently at 6,70,000 tons, is set to grow exponentially, creating a huge market in the coming years. India is expected to be the sixth largest copper market by 2020, driven by key government initiatives such as developing smart cities, producing renewable energy and driving adoption of electric vehicles.

Vedanta contributes to meeting this growing need by ensuring the availability of the right quality of copper to various industrial sectors. Sterlite Copper has the distinction of meeting 36% of the national demand. Our international copper operations include the Mt. Iron Ore Miners & Steel Producers in India - Vedanta Limited. Iron Ore Vedanta is a major supplier to the domestic market with the Goa iron ore mine also serving the Chinese and Japanese export markets.

Iron Ore Miners & Steel Producers in India - Vedanta Limited

Thermal Power Generation Company in India - Vedanta Limited. Power Vedanta is one of India’s largest private sector power generators.

Thermal Power Generation Company in India - Vedanta Limited

The availability of power in India is increasing, but demand outstrips supply leading to a substantial power shortage. Around 280 million people in India do not have electricity connections and the Government aims to supply power to all homes by 2019. The company’s power business also include Talwandi Sabo Power Limited (TSPL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vedanta Ltd.

TSPL had signed a power purchase agreement with the Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) for the establishment of 1,980 MW (three Units of 660 MW each) thermal coal-based power plant. For more information about Power visit: Green Metal - Aluminium Producer in India - Vedanta Limited. BALCO was incorporated in year 1965 as the first Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) in India and since then it has been closely associated with the Indian Industrial Growth, in a pivotal role.

Green Metal - Aluminium Producer in India - Vedanta Limited

In 2001 Govt. of India disinvested 51% shares of Bharat Aluminium Company Limited (BALCO) to Sterlite Industries Limited a subsidiary of Vedanta Limited. BALCO operates through its plant at Korba in the state of Chhattisgarh. The plant has a smelter capacity of 5.70 Ltpa with capabilities to produce ingots, wire rods, billets, busbars, and rolled products. BALCO has a power generation capacity of 2010 MW and a bauxite Production capacity of 6.8 MT per annum from its two Bauxite mines at Mainpat & Kawardha which have a capacity of 4.5 MT & 2.3 MT, respectively.

BALCO has a coal block at Chotia with a capacity of 17.7 MT per annum. BALCO’s vision is to be a world class Integrated Aluminium and Power producer generating sustainable value for all stakeholders. Oil & Gas Production Company in India - Vedanta Limited. Largest Zinc Producer in India - Vedanta Limited. Vedanta Limited is India’s largest and world’s second largest zinc miner.

Largest Zinc Producer in India - Vedanta Limited

Our fully integrated zinc operations currently hold 72% market share in India’s Zinc industry. We are also one of the largest silver producers globally with an annual capacity of 16moz. There is huge end-demand for zinc in India, particularly since the galvanizing sector continues to deliver strong growth. The country’s investment in infrastructure is also driving end-demand for zinc, and this momentum is likely to continue for many years. Vedanta Ltd owns 64.9% stake in Hindustan Zinc Limited (HZL), while the Government of India retains a 29.54% stake; HZL is listed on the NSE and BSE in India.

Natural Resources & Mining Company in India - Vedanta Limited. Vedanta Limited, a subsidiary of Vedanta Resources Limited, is one of the world's leading diversified natural resource companies with business operations in India, South Africa, Namibia, and Australia.

Natural Resources & Mining Company in India - Vedanta Limited

Vedanta is a leading producer of Oil & Gas, Zinc, Lead, Silver, Copper, Iron Ore, Steel, Aluminium & Power. Good governance and sustainable development are at the core of Vedanta's strategy, with a strong focus on health, safety and environment, and on enhancing the lives of local communities. The company has been conferred with the CII-ITC Sustainability Award, a FICCI CSR Award, Dun & Bradstreet Awards in Metals & Mining, and The Great Place to Work Award. For two decades, Vedanta has been contributing to India's growth story. The company is among top private sector contributors to the exchequer with the highest ever contribution of INR 42,560 Crore in FY 2019.