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Le studio HiFi Accueil. ADHF. Seb On Line. Positive Feedback. Enjoy the Music. The Absolute Sound. SUPER AUDIO CD (Japan) DAISy SACD Technical Information. Sheet Music. Rega Research Limited. Totaldac. Totaldac est un fabricant de DAC hifi (convertisseur numérique analogique) innovant qui utilise uniquement des éléments sélectionnés à l'oreille, et ce quel qu'en soit le coût de fabrication pour ceux qui veulent le meilleur pour leur système de reproduction musicale.


AudioStream:"Stupéfiant", 6moons:"Il bat tout ce que je connais", HifiPig:"J'étais sous le choc", HifiStatement:"la meilleure source numérique que j'ai entendue jusqu'à présent", AUDIO:"DAC sensationnel au son naturel", Audiophile-Magasine:"niveau de restitution en PCM et en DSD jamais entendu auparavant", Audio Art:"Au delà de votre imagination", AUDIO-ACTIVITY:"great DAC". Totaldac ne se contente pas d'utiliser des puces de conversions, Totaldac développe ses propres technologies, technologies exclusives. Tous les produits Totaldac sont fabriqués en France. Mon nom est Vincent Brient. Je conçois des appareils audio depuis le début de mes études d'ingénieur Supélec il y a 15 ans. Classé Audio. Linn. Esoteric Company.

Atoll Electronique. Bowers & Wilkins. Triangle - High end loudspeakers. L'OZ Production. Didier Squiban. Telarc. Since 1977, Telarc International has been the creative home to some of the most prestigious entities in classical, jazz and blues.


In the three decades since, the company has developed a reputation as one of the most distinguished and innovative independent record labels in the world - as evidenced in 2004 when England's prestigious Gramophone magazine honored Telarc as Label of the Year. A leader in digital recording technology with the compact disc in the 1980s and SACD in the 1990s, Telarc has crafted several hundred recordings for the Cleveland Orchestra, the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Cincinnati Pops Orchestra, Zuill Bailey, Vanessa Perez, David Russell and many others. Expanding its scope in the 1980s to include jazz and again in the 1990s to include blues, the label has amassed a catalog of more than 1,500 recordings, and has won more than 50 Grammy Awards in categories spanning every genre in which it specializes.

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