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Welcome to the Craft Yarn Council and Warm Up America! Independent knitting news.

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Twist Collective Spring 2011. Knitter's Review, the free weekly online knitting magazine. The online pattern store. Knitting Magazine, Knitted Projects, Knit Inspired Articles, and More. Free, Online Knitting Patterns - Beginner Knitting Instructions - Knitting Tips, Tricks, Testimonials and More! Berroco® Fashion Yarns for Knitting and Crochet. Ravelry - a knit and crochet community. Knitting Terms and Abbreviations. This is a comprehensive glossary of common knitting abbreviations that you are likely to find in a pattern.

Knitting Terms and Abbreviations

Wherever it's relevant, I've included links to videos which cover the technique. inch(es) Knitting Daily. Knitty - magic cast-on. You have cast one stitch on to needle #1. 5.

knitty - magic cast-on

Bring needle #2 over the yarn tail on your thumb, around and under the yarn and back up, making a loop around needle #2. Pull the loop snug around the needle. Purl soho. DROPS Design ~ Free knitting patterns.