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Classroom Management/Organization

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Arranging for independence. On a sunny day in September, an energetic buzz of activity emanates from the kindergarten classroom of Erin Espinoza.

Arranging for independence

Activities in various centers revolve around the current thematic focus on students’ homes and families. In the drama center, a “family” of three students prepares a meal and sets the table. Students at the ABC center select index cards with family member pictures and words on them and use various letters (magnetic, letter stamps, letter tiles) to make the words on their cards.In the writing center, students write and illustrate in their own patterned books entitled “I love my family.” Students in the science center sort and graph pictures of small, medium, and large homes, while in the math center, students trace and measure their hands and feet with various manipulatives.

Two students arrange words and pictures in the pocketchart before reading aloud using special pointers to point to the words. The process of arranging space Fostering independence Solving difficulties. Setting Up Your Classroom. Classroom setup can dramatically affect students' attitudes toward and habits of learning.

Setting Up Your Classroom

Students need an environment that is organized, stimulating, and comfortable in order to learn effectively. Organizing Your Classroom. Classroom Organization for Elementary Teachers. Organisation & Management Resources Tips & Tricks. Tips for New Teachers: Setting Up a Classroom. Setting up a classroom is a large undertaking.

Tips for New Teachers: Setting Up a Classroom

Don’t overly stress or spend too much money, though! You’ve researched the influence of classroom decorations to keep students focused, without being distracting. You have posters and organizational items to keep students engaged but not overwhelmed. You have Pinterest board(s) full of dream classroom ideas. You’ve maybe shopped for bulletin board borders and posters. Now you have the keys to your very own classroom. Be Safe and Smart First, ask about boundaries. Make a Plan Next, plan before you dive in. Think of Specifics After the basics (the larger items) determine the details. With the rules and logistics out of the way, you can use your imagination! Clean! I know you want to make it pretty, but before you dive in, clean.

Blog Hoppin': Teacher Week: My Classroom Digs. Establishing Classroom Rules. By Phil Nast, retired middle school teacher and freelance writer Found In: Classroom Management Appropriate behavior fosters a positive classroom environment.

Establishing Classroom Rules

Engaging students on the first day of school in creating of a set of rules helps ensure their investment. The following professional development resources, articles, and activities offer different approaches to this common start of school task. Top 10 Classroom Rules for Elementary School Students. Classroom rules are important to your class community.

Top 10 Classroom Rules for Elementary School Students

When students have rules, they know what your expectations are for them. They know what you want them to do, and they know that there are consequences for failing to follow the rules. Making Classroom Rules When it comes to creating classroom rules, consider including your students in the process. Effective Classroom Management for Elementary Students: Styles and Techniques Effective Elementary Classroom Management. One can only tell that classroom management styles and techniques are effective if he applied it in the classroom and were proven to be effective.

Effective Classroom Management for Elementary Students: Styles and Techniques Effective Elementary Classroom Management

Application of the theory in a real life situation is the best reference to determine whether the styles and techniques used were truly effective. 11 Research-Based Classroom Management Strategies. Embry and Biglan describe how a kernel might help the parent whose child is struggling to get out the door on time for school: “Alone, such a complaint does not merit implementing parenting skills training. However, a simple behavior change strategy, such as the ‘Beat the Timer’ game (Adams and Drabman 1995), in which the child receives a reward for completing a behavior before the timer goes off, could solve the problem, and prevent parent-child conflict.”

Particularly at the beginning of the year, before you’ve had a chance to develop deeper relationships with your students, kernels can offer useful approaches to classroom management. Administrators and coaches recommend kernels because implementing them with fidelity is intuitive and observable. They require neither special training nor expensive consultants. 11 Classroom Management Kernels While veteran teachers may read the annotated list of kernels as common knowledge, their ubiquity is an advantage. 1. 2. 3. Teaching classroom management, Classroom routines, Classroom procedures. Building Student Responsibility: Classroom Jobs. An Easy Guide to Setting Up Your Grade K-5 Classroom. At last, a classroom of your own!

An Easy Guide to Setting Up Your Grade K-5 Classroom

Time to roll up your shirtsleeves and begin transforming that empty space into a warm and inviting place for your first class. Here's how. Well-run classrooms begin with the room's physical layout — the arrangement of desks and workspaces, the attractiveness and appeal of bulletin boards, and the storage of materials and supplies. Math, Science, Social Studies......Oh, my!: Indiana Goes Back To School Blog Hop. I don't know about you, but I have less than a week until I go back to school.

Math, Science, Social Studies......Oh, my!: Indiana Goes Back To School Blog Hop

My official first day back is Aug. 1, but I know I will be going in early. I did a lot of work at the end of the year to prepare for the start of school, so my fingers are crossed that I can get everything set up in a day....time will tell. If you saw my earlier post on the Indiana Bloggers Get Together, you know that I met a wonderful group of ladies. We decided that we wanted to help our fellow teachers to start their school year out right by having a blog hop where you could pick up a Back To School FREEBIE at every stop! But wait....that is not it. Thanks go to Aimee from Pencils, Books and Dirty Looks for bringing you here!! One of the big things that I use in my classroom is student self assessments. The next one is what I use at the end of the lesson.

You can find this FREEBIE in my TpT store: Graphing is something that is taught in all grade levels.