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Creole Splash. Lavender Lemonade. I’m back from London, and I already miss the Queen, the polite taxi drivers, and Beefeater (the gin… and the red-coated dudes with the bear skin hats).

Lavender Lemonade

London is so lovely. The only problem is that I always feel like I’m doing something disastrously rude or uncouth. I don’t hold my fork and knife in the correct hands. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to clink my tea cup. Good grief, I think I just slurped my tea. I’m back in Venice where I can put my feet up on things, and slurp whatever I see fit. In honor of thirst and homecomings, I’ve gussied up a pitcher of lemonade using dried lavender.

Lemons into lemonade. Lavender into lemonade instead of a sachet. My parents got this juicer as a wedding gift in 1979. Lavender is steeped in a mixture of warm water, sugar and honey. The slightly brown color behind the dried lavender buds is natural sugar dissolved in water. This mixture is super fragrant. Let’s play find the kitten nose. This lavender lemonade is totally going to be a summer staple. HOWTO make a cocktail that looks like outer space. Top 10 Drinking Games for 2 People. The United States of GOOD Beer. More Infographics on Good.

The United States of GOOD Beer

Glow Cups, Glowing Snow Cones. I can’t believe my baby is about to turn one.

Glow Cups, Glowing Snow Cones

We’ve been planning a big bash to celebrate, and have been trying to think of something fun to do. Preferably something that involves being outside on a summer night—do you agree with me that there’s nothing better than summer twilight? —and probably involving a movie under the stars with lots of cousins running around. Yesterday, while we were taking in the free indoor summer movie at the local theater, my son pulled out a glow ring, and we had an idea. We pulled out the snow cone machine. We gathered cups, one clear plastic cup to fit inside each paper cup. We waited until dusk. And then it was time! We put a glow stick inside each paper cup and nested a plastic cup inside, scooped in shaved ice, and had our first ever glow cones.

The perfect excuse for being outside on a summer night. I also think these would be the perfect snack to go with a night-time shadow puppet show. WHERE THE FUCK SHOULD I GO FOR DRINKS? - StumbleUpon. 10 Best Sexual Drinking Games. Some of the best sexual drinking games can be done either in an intimate setting with only you and your girlfriend or you can make it a party and have multiple people.

10 Best Sexual Drinking Games

The ten most commonly played sexual drinking games are: Nine cans of beer or the floor. In this game you will need about nine cans of beer per person, (NOTE: not everyone will finish this game) a shot glass and a time keeper. Every minute for 100 minutes you take a shot of beer. At first that may seem easy enough but when you add it up it comes out to about nine beers in just over an hour and a half. Nutella Shots. Guess what I am drinking tonight? Ingredients & Measurements: • 1 cup ice • ½ cup milk • 2 tablespoons Nutella • 1 shot Baileys or Frangelico Hazelnut liquor • 1 shot vanilla vodka Instructions: Place all the ingredients into a blender and blend until thick and creamy. Pour into shot glasses and then you simply rim the shot glass with Nutella. That’s it, now it’s time to get stinking drunk…enjoy! [Cheers thisbottleofvodka] Web's Best: Whiskey Drinks. Unlike The Most Interesting Man in the World, we almost always drink beer.

Web's Best: Whiskey Drinks

When we don’t, however, our go to liquor is whiskey. What can we say, bourbon is neat (little whiskey humor). While we usually just pour a few fingers and relax, sometimes we like to get a tad more creative. Here are The Web’s Best Whiskey Drinks: Hot Blooded Besides sounding like the most badass fruit, blood oranges are freakin’ delicious! PDT’s Bacon Old Fashioned If PDT isn’t a cab ride away from where you live, we highly recommend making their Bacon Old Fashioned in the comfort of your own home. Double Chocolate Bourbon Egg Cream If we’d been around for the Brooklyn egg cream craze, we’d have added a little topping from our flask at the corner pop shop as well. - StumbleUpon. Top 10 Drinking Games for 2 People.