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User Interface. Activity Lifecycle. Mono for Android - Create amazing Android apps with C# and .NET. With Xamarin.Android, you can harness the full power of C# and .NET. Write shorter, simpler, and more maintainable code using features like LINQ, anonymous types, lambdas, and more. from p in Table<Person> () where p.ID == id select p; LINQ Support Use LINQ in your Xamarin.Android projects to query, filter and select data from in-memory arrays, or from databases such as SQLite. var doc = XDocument.Load(url); foreach(var item in doc.Root.Elements()) { var text = item.Value; } Work With XML Easily Handling XML is quick and easy thanks to the built-in XDocument class—just one of the thousands of .NET APIs available when you use Xamarin.Android. button.Click += (s, o) => { message.Text = "Hello! " Event Handling & Delegates Easily handle button presses and other UI events. from item in items.AsParallel () let result = DoExpensiveWork (item) select result; Make Use of Both Cores To learn more, check out our awesome documentation: Documentation | Code Samples | Tutorials.

Android. Installation for Windows. The Xamarin.Android installer will automatically detect, download, and install any components required for completing the installation. This tutorial examines the installation and configuration steps required to install the Xamarin platform and to get our development environment set up, including how to: Download the Installer Run the Installer Configure the IDE Deploy to Device Configure Android Emulators Your first step is to download the Xamarin unified installer, which can be found at If you’ve purchased Xamarin.Android, follow the download instructions in the e-mail you received with your purchase. Open the installer to begin the installation process: When the installation is complete, close this window to exit the installer and begin working with Xamarin. Configuring the Installation Now that we’ve installed the components, we need to tell our IDE where to find them. Configuring Xamarin Studio Configuring Visual Studio Step 5 - Activation That’s it!

Features. Xamarin.