Carbon Steel Butterfly Valve - JM Industrial. Used Belt Conveyors for Sale - Stainless Steel, Industrial, Inclined. Used Auger Conveyor for sale - JM Industrial. 5 Ways to Save Cost by Selling Surplus Industrial Equipment - J&M Industrial Blog. 5 Ways to Save Cost by Selling Surplus Equipment When you have idled surplus equipment available with you, two things can be done with it – Keep it idle, or sell it and make money.
The second option sounds more interesting, doesn’t it? Most of the companies, therefore prefer selling used and surplus equipment. The money got from selling the equipment can then be used on new projects. On the other hand, if the equipment is kept idle, it is not that much beneficial, too. When you opt for selling the idled or surplus equipment, you can reap a lot of cost-saving opportunities. Avoid New Purchases: Sometimes it may occur that an equipment is kept idle in one area of a plant, but someone somewhere is looking out for the same equipment for their requirement.
When you decide to sell surplus equipment, you make way for the cash to flow into your business. Buying and Selling Used and Surplus Process Equipment - J&M Industrial. Buying and Selling Used and Surplus Process Equipment The demand for used equipment is growing.
With businesses trying to cut down their operating budget, they are relying on used equipment to meet their short and long term business requirements. Things to consider while choosing used industrial blender mixer J&M Industrial blog. Things to Consider While Choosing Used Industrial Mixer and Blender Industrial mixers and blenders hold significant importance in the food, chemical, mechanical and civil industries.
Proper material blending is an important requirement in many manufacturing applications. Therefore, players in the aforementioned industries make a significant investment in mixers and blenders. It is not always important to purchase a new industrial mixer or blender because used mixers and blenders are available in the market. This post sheds light on the factors you need to consider while selecting the right blender and mixer for your industry. It doesn’t matter, whether you choose a new or a used industrial mixer or blender, some factors remain the same as the criteria of selection. Batch or continuous production: This is the first factor that should be considered for choosing an industrial mixer. Working Principal, Types and Application of Hammer Mills - J&M Industrial Blog. Hammer mills are whole purpose machines that are designed to crush, grind, and mill material.
As the name suggests, the purpose is served by grinding material by small hammer blows. The history of hammer mills is quite old, as the first invention was made in 488 AD. Tips and Factors to Consider When Purchasing Heavy Equipment - J&M Industrial Blog. 11 Tips to Follow Before Making an Heavy Equipment Purchase Buying a heavy equipment is a big decision and several factors need to be considered before going ahead with the purchase.
Cost is a crucial factor and so is the exact requirement. Top Advantages, Types and Application of Bucket Elevator - J&M Industrial. Designed for vertical or high-lift conveying of large quantities of materials, bucket elevators or bucket conveyors are widely used across various industries including glass, cement, biomass, power generation, and so on.
They are used for picking up various materials from the ground and elevating them to different heights. Bucket elevators can also be used for horizontal transport of material as per the application requirement. A bucket elevator unit or grain leg unit features a series of buckets that are attached to a rotating chain or a belt with pulleys at both places – top and bottom. Buckets are filled with bulk materials like grains, fertilizers, woodchips, coal and so on, at the bottom of the elevator and then moved to the desired point. Once the bucket reaches the point, it discharges the content and returns to the initial point. Bucket elevators have low driving power, which give them an edge over other conveyor types. What are the Different Types of Bucket Elevators? Types and Benefits of Industrial Mixers & Blender - J&M Industrial Blog. Mixing of materials is a very common step in most manufacturing processes, and hence industrial blenders or mixers are used.
These materials may be in any state such as solid, liquid or viscous. They could have different consistencies such as granules, coarse powder, sticky, abrasive or solid stone-like among others. For the further process to be flawless, the materials should be blended as required. This blending is performed using various types of industrial blenders. A manufacturer needs to choose the right one based on their requirement, with some amount of customization if needed. Types and Working Principal of Heat Exchangers - J&M Industrial Blog. Heat exchangers are one of the most popular types of industrial equipment used today.
This equipment is used for cooling or heating fluids in various industrial applications. Owing to their importance, these exchangers are differentiated on the basis of their construction and different factors. Aside from industrial applications, these heat exchangers are also used in engines of automobiles as well as several appliances. Would you be interested to know about heat exchangers? If yes, this post discusses them in detail. Frequently Asked Questions About Used Conveyor Belts - JM Industrial Blog. Buying a used belt conveyor system can be confusing.
It is understandable that buying used industrial equipment may cause a few concerns. However, good quality used or surplus belt conveyors are proven to be highly efficient and economically beneficial in comparison to brand new belt conveyors. Industries like material handling, mechanical, automation, and so on utilize conveyor belts in manufacturing and assembly units. The significance of conveyors has increased owing to the implementation of automation in industrial systems. Considering these factors, an appropriate selection of conveyor belts is important. The following are the questions asked by the buyers when it comes to the selection of a used belt conveyor. Tips to select Bulk Bag Filler for Your Application - JM Industrial Blog. Know How to Select Bulk Bag Fillers Storing materials safely in packets or bags, staking them on shelves, and loading or unloading them as required are three crucial aspects of warehouse management and material transportation across industries.
Bulk bags are used across industries to transport bulk or huge quantities of materials at a time. While they can be stacked on pallets in a container or a warehouse and are much handy and convenient, but to load them without any damage or spillage, you would require the right equipment. This is where bulk bag fillers are used. There are various types of these available and choosing bulk bag fillers at times can be a daunting task. What Are the Dos and Don’ts of Conveyor Handling? - J&M Industrial Blog. What Are the Dos and Don’ts of Conveyor Handling? Conveyors are essential material handling equipment used across industries.
As its name implies, the conveyor system is equipped with conveyor belts that act as a conveying medium. These powerful belts can carry different products over long distances at varying speeds. Also, they are used in ascending and descending applications. With such a vital role to play, it becomes important that conveyors perform as expected. Dos of Conveyor Handling Explained There are many things to keep in mind when handling the new or used conveyor system. Keep the Operating Area Clean: This is one of the important considerations for conveyor handling. Causes of Gear Motor Failure and Safety Tips - J&M Industrial Blog. An Overview on Gear Motor Safety Considerations A gear motor is an extremely important and essential component of any industrial system. It is a combination of an electric motor and a gearbox. This makes it a simple and cost-effective solution for high-torque and low-speed applications as it pairs a gear reducer system with a motor.
Advantages of Vibrating Conveyors - J&M Industrial Blog. The conveyors have been significant parts of industrial material handling systems for a long time by now. These conveyors are the material handling systems designed to convey goods between destinations. In industries like paper and pulp, automobile parts production, packaging, food and beverages, sand and cement, etc, the conveyors are of great significance. Since the industrial applications are of varying requirements, there are multiple types of conveyors available in the market. Common Rotary Valve Problems and Ways to Fix Them - J&M Industrial Blog. Rotary airlock valves are fluid flow control devices that feature rotor blades, which are named so due to the rotary motion. These devices are of great importance in industries where liquid, gas, or steam flow regulation is required.
Therefore, the common applications of these valves are found in combustion engines, production engines, chromatography, etc. Although these devices are designed with precision, due to the harsh working environment, they are susceptible to some problems. This post gives insights about common rotary airlock valve problems and ways of fixing common rotary airlock valve problems. Error-free or zero-maintenance rotary airlock valve is a hypothetical concept. Air leakage: Air leakage is a common phenomenon in rotary airlock valves. Depending on the type of air leakage, the solution to fix rotary valve leakage varies as follows.
How to Prevent Rotary Airlock Valve Downtime? - J&M Industrial Blog. Step-wise Guide to Prevent Rotary Airlock Valve Downtime Rotary valves basically flow control equipment, which is used in several industrial applications like production engines, automotive stroke engines, pneumatic conveying systems, etc. Since these valves are responsible for fluid and airflow regulation in the massive and complex operations, it is very important to maintain them for optimum output. Rotary valves are simple devices, unless and until they are maintained properly. Generally, the maintenance of the rotary valves is about the prevention of valve downtime and airflow control. This article provides a step-by-step guideline -to prevent rotary airlock valve downtime. The purpose of using rotary valves in any industrial system is to keep the system performance smooth and safe.
Valve Inspection: Since the rotary valves are all processing fluid or powdered material during material processing, often the insides of the valve gets clogged. 13 Tips to buy used Air Compressors - J&M Industrial Blog. Things to Consider When Buying Used Air Compressors An air compressor is a device or part of a system such as a refrigeration unit, HVAC systems, and so on, wherein it facilitates constant airflow. It releases and compresses air in the system. These systems have a storage unit wherein the compressed air is stored which can be later used as energy. Why Buy Used Packaging Equipment - J&M Industrial blog. Important Factors for Choosing the Right Industrial Vacuum System - J&M Industrial Blog.
Industrial facility management and maintenance comes with several responsibilities. One of the many responsibilities in industrial facilities is the safety of employees. Important Factors for Choosing the Right Industrial Vacuum System - J&M Industrial Blog. Safety Considerations for Grain Storage Bin Operations - J&M Industrial Blog. The grain bin management looks simple, but it is complex in reality. Grain bins are the massive structures filled with grains, the potential hazards of engulfment, suffocation, etc can cause a fatal impact on the person’s health. There are several accidents recorded at the entry of grain storage, many cases resulted in serious suffocation, respiratory damage, etc and many of them were reported of the operator’s death. Although it is a difficult task to manage grain bin, it is essential to do it for preventing spoilage or moldy grains. This is why, considering the hazards of grain bin management, organizations like OSHA have set safety precautions and guidelines for grain storage operations.
This post discusses the hazards, causes, and safety considerations for grain bin operation. What to Expect from a Used Equipment Dealer? - J&M Industrial. As a buyer in today’s economic landscape, there are many options when choosing what to buy and where to buy it from. This is no different when it comes to buying industrial processing equipment. Buyers may choose to buy new equipment from a reputable manufacturer, or a somewhat “off-brand” of the same equipment. However, the price and lead time of these options may not be a good fit for every buyer. One option that some may forget about is availability of quality used equipment offered at an affordable price that is in stock and ready to ship from a used equipment reseller.
Advantages of Having an Inventory of Used Equipment - J&M Industrial Blog. 4 Major Advantages of Having an Inventory. Top 5 Belt Conveyor Maintenance Tips - J&M Industrial Blog. Top Five Belt Conveyor Maintenance Tips Explained A belt conveyor system is essential for the transportation of material from one end to the other, in an industrial unit. These systems consist of a couple of pulleys, also referred to as drums, with an endless or rotational loop for creating a pulling effect to carry the medium on the belt. To move the belt and the material forward and backwards, one or more pulleys should be power-driven. Today, these systems find use across industries. 5 Ways to Save Cost by Selling Surplus Industrial Equipment - J&M Industrial Blog. Buying and Selling Used and Surplus Process Equipment - J&M Industrial. Top 5 Belt Conveyor Maintenance Tips - J&M Industrial Blog. Working Principal, Types and Application of Hammer Mills - J&M Industrial Blog.
Things to consider while choosing used industrial blender mixer J&M Industrial blog. How to Sanitize and Disinfect Used Industrial Equipment During COVID-19 - J&M Industrial. COVID-19 is a matter of concern at the moment. This is an unfortunate event to eclipse the world with the kind of gravity the World War II had. In March 2020, the Worldometer has reported more than 351,083 positive cases worldwide. This has made various governments across the world impose bans on social gatherings, interstate or intrastate traveling, and other non-essential activities. Social distancing is recommended by world governments to avoid the outspread of the disease. The virus strain can spread through human contact, surfaces, and so on. Although most manufacturers are facing a downturn in terms of reduced orders, supply chain challenges, and absent employees, they cannot afford to keep their manufacturing plants closed for several days. Used Bucket Elevator for Sale.
Used Screw Conveyors & Auger Conveyor. Screw Auger & Tubular Conveyor - J&M Industrial.