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Subtext – Engage Readers and Deepen Understanding. The next session I am attending is about Subtext, a tool I have been wanting to learn and explore. Check out their presentation materials here. “Subtext is a free iPad app that allows classroom groups to exchange ideas in the pages of digital texts.

You can also layer in enrichment materials, assignments and quizzes—opening up almost limitless opportunities to engage students and foster analysis and writing skills.” Subtext allows students to engage deeper with reading material both individually as well as collaboratively. Subtext does work with Google Apps for Education! You can use subtext with purchased content as well as free and open source material, including your own! Subtext allows you to personalize your reading experiences in the same way we see with other tools (change font size, highlight and tag, use a dictionary) but it also allows broader application – access your Google Docs, Search Google and copy to your Drive, etc.

There are different ways to use subtext: Like this: Subtext.