Woodblock Printing with a Laser Cutter. For this project you will need: • 1/4 inch MDF • double sided tape or glue • 1/4 hardwood or plywood boards (different types create different textures) • paints or printing ink • paper for printing • materials for mixing and storing your pigments • a large spoon or smooth tool to rub the back of your piece • access to a laser cutter for 2 hours • Corel Draw or Illustrator to prepare your files Woodblock prints are made by layering ink or other pigments onto paper. Typically each color is applied one at a time, so a complicated piece of art will require several wood cuts, and a jig (use the mdf to make the jig) to line up or register your papers.
Project : SPINE. Tweed life. Theo Jansen. Theo Jansen. Anatomica di Revolutis by Joshua Harker. This is my 2nd project, my 1st became the #1 most funded Sculpture project in Kickstarter history.
My latest work entitled "Anatomica di Revolutis" is in honor of the developing 3rd Industrial Revolution. My art has been inspired, enabled, & defined by it. The resources & networks of the revolution are my tools, medium, & art gallery. I'm here to present my art within the context of how & why I make it, not on a shelf or wall in a gallery, but within the current landscape of the public psyche & part of a larger event. Please, read on.... I am asking for your support to empower my art & what it stands for, to grow my studio, add assistants, bring in new technology, & spread the word. Artist Of The Week: Jeff Jordan. An Artist Who Projects His Thoughts Through Surreal Paintings. Jeff Jordan is a California based painter whose creations are absolutely surreal.
The topics he picks up seem really abstract but when his paintings are seen closely, they carry a real deep meaning. ReCode Project. SPEED SHOW. D. Galería. Rain Room - rAndom International. Drawing things very slowly, very easily. The Wushu Project – Moritz Waldemeyer. Is this possibly the coolest LED project in art history?
That’s what it felt like when I worked on a further development of the Kung Fu weapon idea. Two weeks ago we came together in a London studio to shoot the elegant new CLS with a time slice rig of 50 Olympus Pen cameras. I designed a new LED weapon inspired by the car’s head lights and two professional Wushu artists performed in the space to create the dynamic 3D light sculptures you can see in the image above. Making Interactive Art: Set the Stage, Then Shut Up and Listen. Don’t interpret your own work.
Quite often I see artists who venture into interactive art start by making interactive artworks and offering interpretation in the notes beside them. They’ll describe the work, then tell you what each element means,and what the participant will do with those elements. They pre-script what will happen. When you do that, you’re telling the participant what to think, and by extension, how to act. 49 synchron angesteuerte Quadrocopter - voestalpine Klangwolke. Psycho Tank. Thousands of physical pixels turn these walls into a huge display.
Artibot - a portrait painting robot. The architecture included an iPhone app to take a picture, downsample it to 100x100 pixels and convert it to grayscale. The image was then base-64 encoded and uploaded to a Google App Engine app that queues the images to be drawn. The arduino was fitted with an Ethernet shield so it can communicate to the server. To explain the software, consider the following drawing: STORYBOARD: The Art of Bending Neon Light. Drawing Machine. So I've built my first CNC bot, a drawing machine.
Because that wasn't quite difficult enough on its own I decided to make one that uses polar coordinates. That is, one with an arm that can spin on a base, and move in and out relative to the centre. It gives you a very large drawing surface with a minimum of moving parts compared to a standard x,y Cartesian plotter. I was inspired by similar projects online, like the eggbot and the polargraph which uses a dual polar coordinates system; mines a single.
The general setup is a pair of nema-17 motors, being run by dSpin motor drivers. One important note, if you use a solenoid for the pen lifter you need a really good diode to drain the current when you depower it otherwise the back EMF does bad things. Here are some videos, first the movement test: First drawing: Penny for your thoughts? Posted by Nick Johnson | Filed under rpi, advice, maker I've been using my spare time lately to build something that's even more trivial and silly than usual.
Behold, the advice machine! Operation is pretty straightforward. You insert whatever quantity of coins you see fit, then request some advice from the machine.