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30 Brilliant Social Media Marketing Tips From 2011. With so many great social media marketing tips getting shared in the blogosphere, we wanted to pass along some of the best tips and ideas that came up in 2011.

30 Brilliant Social Media Marketing Tips From 2011

These are tips that, if you haven't benefitted from them yet, are evergreen enough that you can continue to leverage them well into 2012 to make your social media marketing rock. 1. Write blog content for your target audience, which is not necessarily yourself. This happens with startups a lot. They blog about being entrepreneurs, which is great – if your target audience is entrepreneurs. Social Media Success Is About Purpose (Not Technology) - Anthony J. Bradley and Mark P. McDonald. By Anthony J.

Social Media Success Is About Purpose (Not Technology) - Anthony J. Bradley and Mark P. McDonald

Bradley and Mark P. McDonald | 2:57 PM November 1, 2011 In the real estate world, there is a saying: “The three considerations that most impact value are location, location, and location.” In the world of social media, they are purpose, purpose, and purpose. Nothing impacts the success of a social media effort more than the choice of its purpose. What is a good purpose for social media? If you’re like most executives (and you’re being honest), probably not. No wonder most organizations struggle with gaining tangible and significant business value from social media. That deficiency often leads to a worst practice we call “provide and pray.” The lesson? Facebook’s core purpose is for people to easily track what their friends are doing. Yes, some social Web environments have strayed from their original purpose.

Choosing the right purpose is difficult (much harder than providing the technology). Purpose is a business decision. Does LinkedIn Beat Twitter In B2B Social Media? I help both B2C and B2B companies with Social Media and other types of Internet Marketing.

Does LinkedIn Beat Twitter In B2B Social Media?

In my development of Social Media strategies and tactics for B2B companies, I’ve come to a shocking conclusion: Twitter is overrated. I realize this is a controversial opinion for Social Media enthusiasts. Believe me, I drank the Twitter Kool-Aid throughout 2008 and 2009. I’ve posted more than 16,000 tweets to my 32,000 followers. The Bias of Most Social Media Gurus If you only listen to Social Media “Gurus”, you would think Twitter is the most important Social Media site.

What I discovered while consulting with B2B companies and formulating B2B Social Media strategies that fit their sales, marketing, and PR worlds is: Most popular Social Media strategies were created for B2C companies. This emphasis on Twitter doesn’t make sense when you consider the facts. B2B marketing and sales prospecting needs to focus on the right people, and that is: key decision makers and executives. Flickr Photo credits: