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JavaScript for Cats. JavaScript For Cats An introduction for new programmers So easy your human companion could do it too! JavaScript is a programming language or, in other words, a means by which a computer is instructed to do things. Just the same as one controls humans with hisses and meows, one controls computers with statements written in a programming language. All web browsers understand JavaScript and you can take advantage of that to make web pages do crazy things! JavaScript started as a programming language to make internet pages more interactive.

. * actual time: more than none. Table of contents If you don't want to read it all now here is a PDF version you can keep for later. Don't be a scaredy-cat You will always land on your feet — even when programming! So don't be a scaredy-cat! # The basics There is JavaScript running on this page right now!

First, right click anywhere on the screen and hit Inspect Element, then click on the Console tab. The console does some pretty cool stuff. . # Strings # Loops. Javascript a fondo. Todo lo que necesitas para aprender Javascript está en esta página. Aquí encontrarás todos los contenidos de Javascript de, que te servirán para dar los primeros pasos con el lenguaje y aprender los usos más avanzados. Están distruidos en una serie de páginas con manuales que te introducen el propio lenguaje, técnicas y talleres, librerías para realizar tareas más complejas y en menos tiempo, etc.

Si te interesa Javascript con todos estos materiales podrás dominarlo. Contenidos Qué es Javascript Javascript es un lenguaje de programación que surgió con el objetivo inicial de programar ciertos comportamientos sobre las páginas web, respondiendo a la interacción del usuario y la realización de automatismos sencillos. Pero además, en los últimos años Javascript se está convirtiendo también en el lenguaje "integrador". En el contexto de un sitio web, con Javascript puedes hacer todo tipo de acciones e interacción. Entender Javascript en el contexto de los lenguajes de la web. Speaking JavaScript.

Ppk on JavaScript. Page last changed today I have written a book. It's called "ppk on JavaScript", it's published by New Riders, and obviously I call upon all my readers to buy it. Peter-Paul Koch, ppk on JavaScript, 1st edition, New Riders, 2006. ISBN 0321423305.Peachpit information page. You can order the book through Amazon: US, UK, Canada, Japan, France, Deutschland.Peachpit also offers the book in a PDF version.The Italian translation "JavaScript secondo Peter-Paul Koch" should be for sale somewhere in May. One frequently asked question is "Where should I buy the book to get you most royalties? " If your bookstore doesn't have the book in stock, please ask for it by name. These pages contain a bit of information about the book. First of all, if you're wondering whether to buy it or not, you can study these excerpts: The book uses eight real-world example scripts.

The example scripts page gives links to the example scripts and lists the pages on which aspects of them are discussed. 7 Libros recomendados sobre JavaScript y Node. JavaScript es una lenguaje que está pegando muy fuerte ultimamente. Ya he hablando largo y tendido sobre este tema en el blog. Por suerte vivimos en un momento en el que podemos encontrar multitud de tutoriales, documentación y ejemplos para aprender cualquier lenguaje que nos interese.

Si quieres iniciarte en JavaScript y lo único que conoces de él es que sirve para poner bonitas las páginas web, te recomiendo los siguientes libros y tutoriales que te harán cambiar de opinión.Si nunca has usado Javascript, te recomiendo que sigas este “track” de Codeacademy. Es una buena forma de aprender a programar utilizando JavaScript como lenguaje. A través de sencillos ejercicios muy dinámicos y con una interfaz muy cuidada, aprendes lo básico en programación: funciones, bucles, estructuras de datos, objectos, etc… Lo tienes en inglés y en español (Yo recomiendo el inglés). Una vez acabes los ejercicios puedes continuar con el “track” de jQuery Eloquent JavaScript (Marijn Haverbeke) Learning JavaScript Design Patterns. Design patterns are reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design.

They are both exciting and a fascinating topic to explore in any programming language. One reason for this is that they help us build upon the combined experience of many developers that came before us and ensure we structure our code in an optimized way, meeting the needs of problems we're attempting to solve. Design patterns also provide us a common vocabulary to describe solutions. This can be significantly simpler than describing syntax and semantics when we're attempting to convey a way of structuring a solution in code form to others. In this book we will explore applying both classical and modern design patterns to the JavaScript programming language. Target Audience This book is targeted at professional developers wishing to improve their knowledge of design patterns and how they can be applied to the JavaScript programming language.

Acknowledgments Credits Reading We already use patterns everyday. Ficha Libro | Anaya Multimedia.