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Javascript et tableau html [Résolu] | CommentCaMarche. Imprimer un tableau par page. Table, tous les codes sources et scripts en rapport Javascript. Tables. 17.1 Introduction to tables This chapter defines the processing model for tables in CSS. Part of this processing model is the layout. For the layout, this chapter introduces two algorithms; the first, the fixed table layout algorithm, is well-defined, but the second, the automatic table layout algorithm, is not fully defined by this specification. For the automatic table layout algorithm, some widely deployed implementations have achieved relatively close interoperability.

Table layout can be used to represent tabular relationships between data. Authors specify these relationships in the document language and can specify their presentation using CSS 2.1. In a visual medium, CSS tables can also be used to achieve specific layouts. Authors may specify the visual formatting of a table as a rectangular grid of cells. Example(s): Here is a simple three-row, three-column table described in HTML 4: Note, however, that the borders around the rows overlap where the rows meet. Table element consecutive. XHTML™ 2.0 - XHTML Tables Module. This section is normative. The Tables Module provides elements for marking up tabular information in a document. The module supports the following elements, attributes, and content model: Implementations: RELAX NG, XML Schema 30.1. The col and colgroup elements Attributes The Common collection A collection of other attribute collections, including: Bi-directional, Core, Edit, Embedding, Events, Forms, Hypertext, I18N, Map, Metainformation, and Role span = Number This attribute must be an integer > 0; the default value is 1.

Values mean the following: In the absence of a @span attribute, each colgroup defines a column group containing one column. User agents must ignore this attribute if the colgroup element contains one or more col elements. The colgroup element allows authors to create structural divisions within a table. The col element allows authors to share attributes among several columns without implying any structural grouping. The colgroup element creates an explicit column group. Tuto : créer un tableau HTML avec une première ligne fixe avec CSS et JQuery. Lorsqu’un tableau HTML est long, il est utile de pouvoir bloquer la première ligne afin de l’avoir visible lorsqu’on parcourt son contenu. On utilisera pour cela des balises HTML très peu usitées, et qui ont donc conservé une aura de mystère : THEAD et TBODY. Il suffit de leur appliquer un peu de CSS pour bloquer l’une et scroller l’autre.

Démonstration : <table class="tableau"> <thead> <tr> <th>... Mes en-têtes ... </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>... On applique à ce balisage basique le formatage suivant : Voici un exemple du résultat obtenu. Et si je veux pas avoir deux scrollbars ? Evidemment, à cause de la hauteur fixe de l’en-tête, le tableau a une hauteur totale absolue en pixels. C’est ici qu’intervient Javascript, en l’occurrence jQuery, qui permet des redimensionnements en un coup de cuiller à pot. <script>$(document).ready(function() { $(window).resize(function() { $('tbody').css('height',($(window).height() - 70) + 'px'); }).resize();});</script> Et voilà ! Google+