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Journalisme participatif

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Rue89 à Sciences Po. Crédit photo: Blandine Le Cain En guise d'introduction à la master class de ce 13 octobre à l'Ecole de journalisme de Sciences Po, Pierre Haski s'exclame: « Nous entrons aujourd'hui dans l'âge d'or du journalisme!

Rue89 à Sciences Po

», reprenant ainsi les propos d'Arianna Huffington, fondatrice du Huffington Post. Web Social et journalisme participatif.

Médias participatifs

Enquete participative. Community Management. The press becomes the press-sphere. One problem I’ve had with much discussion about the future of news lately is that it’s too press-centric.

The press becomes the press-sphere

It focuses on the press as if it were at the center of the world, as if it owned news, as if news depended on it, as if solving the press’ problems solves news. That’s not the ecosystem of news now. There’s a fundamentally new structure to media and there are many different ways to look at it. And until we realize that, I don’t think we’ll begin to create successful new models for news. So pardon my simplistic drawings, but here’s an attempt to begin to illustrate that new ecosystem of news and media.

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