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Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby. Read This Paragraph At my local Barnes and Noble, there is a huge wall of Java books just waiting to tip over and crush me one day. And one day it will. At the rate things are going, one day that bookcase will be tall enough to crush us all. It might even loop the world several times, crushing previous editions of the same Java books over and over again. And This Paragraph Too This is just a small Ruby book. It won’t crush you. But Don’t Read This One! Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby is released under the Attribution-ShareAlike License. Now Back to Your Regularly Scheduled Paragraph I’ll try not to feel utterly rejected if this book doesn’t capture your fancy. Learning to Program A very basic, ground-level tutorial for the beginner to Ruby. Now, if you can’t seem to find the contents link on the left-hand side of the page, then here’s a link to the first page of the (Poignant) Guide.

Welcome to the pirate radio of technical manuals. 10 Minutes to Your First Ruby Application. By James Britt 2012-11: The code and article has been updated to fix some errors and to work with Ruby 1.9.3 At the time it was written, and because of where it was originally published, it was targeted (more or less) at people working on Windows, so there may be a few unstated assumptions in the text. On the other hand, the command-line examples seem to reflect a unix shell, no doubt because that's where the bulk of the content was created. Apologies in advance for any confusion. There's no better way to experience the elegance and power of Ruby than to fire up your code editor and start writing Ruby code. Create a small, useful Ruby application, and along the way, you'll learn what makes the language tick. So you've discovered the grace and power of Ruby and you're ready to explore the subtle but important ideas behind its elegance. The example application will serve two purposes: Demonstrate some features of Ruby Do something useful in the process Target Problem: Simplifying File Launching.

Ruby Tutorial. Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide. Documenting the Ruby Language. Ruby QuickRef | by ryan davis. Table of Contents Language General Tips These are tips I’ve given over and over and over and over… Use 2 space indent, no tabs. Use [] over See for more. General Syntax Rules Comments start with a pound/sharp (#) character and go to EOL. Reserved Words alias and BEGIN begin break case class def defined?

Types Basic types are numbers, strings, ranges, regexen, symbols, arrays, and hashes. Numbers 1231_234123.451.2e-30xffff 0b01011 0377 ? Strings In all of the %() cases below, you may use any matching characters or any single character for delimiters. %[], %!! 'no interpolation'"#{interpolation}, and backslashes\n"%q(no interpolation)%Q(interpolation and backslashes)%(interpolation and backslashes)`echo command interpretation with interpolation and backslashes`%x(echo command interpretation with interpolation and backslashes) Backslashes: Here Docs: Encodings: Waaaay too much to cover here. Symbols Internalized String. Ranges Files. Documentation. Guides, tutorials, and reference material to help you learn more about Ruby Installing Ruby Although you can easily try Ruby in your browser, you can also read the installation guide for help on installing Ruby.

Getting Started Official FAQ The official frequently asked questions. Ruby Koans The Koans walk you along the path to enlightenment in order to learn Ruby. Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby An unconventional but interesting book that will teach you Ruby through stories, wit, and comics. Ruby Essentials A free on-line book designed to provide a concise and easy to follow guide to learning Ruby. Learn to Program A wonderful little tutorial by Chris Pine for programming newbies. Learn Ruby the Hard Way A very good set of exercises with explanations that guide you from the absolute basics of Ruby all the way to OOP and web development. Manuals Programming Ruby The seminal work on Ruby in English, this first edition of the Pragmatic Programmers’ book is available for free online.

Ruby Core Reference.