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Inscription | Tumblr. Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More. Pg's comments. I don't believe the goal was to decrease criticism of YC on HN, I believe that part of the goal might be to reduce HN comments which have provided fodder for criticism of YC in other media.

Being specific, assorted feminist critics of YC/technology have complained strongly about HN comments being skeptical, not toeing the party line, etc. In the mainstream media, it's not too hard to blame YC/you/Altman for views that commenters here might express. Similarly, such critics have also complained about cursing/mysogyny/racism in github repos and implicitly attributed them to Github, Inc. (For example, I don't work for github, but github could be blamed for the fact that "I have no fucking clue why this speeds things up": ) If you say this is not the goal and the plan is not to do this, I will drastically reduce my estimate of the probability that this is the goal. Brookings - Quality. Independence. Impact. Browsing #everything Popular posts. Netflix - Watch TV Shows Online, Watch Movies Online. | The last 24 hours in 60-second, unbiased news bites. Reddit: the front page of the internet. Reddit Tools. Hunch.