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Toolworks USA. The Lie-Nielsen Scrub Plane is based on the Stanley 40-1/2. This plane removes large quantities of wood in a hurry. In the past, Scrub Planes were used like a Thickness Planer to take rough-sawn boards down to size. Then the woodworker would progress to a Jack Plane, and finally a Smoothing Plane. Today's woodworker will still find pleasure in using a Scrub Plane for that purpose, and will also find it practical for shaping irregular objects, for producing an interesting finished surface, and for trickier jobs like backing out a length of molding to fit an irregular wall. Blade Sharpening: The blade comes with a 3" radius. After grinding, hone as above.

Setting the Blade: The blade is inserted with the bevel facing the handle. Materials: The body is cast from Ductile Iron, a very strong alloy that will take a lot of abuse. Guarantee: Materials and workmanship are guaranteed for the life of your tool. Plough Planes, Multi and Combination Planes. Online catalogue > Woodworking Planes > Plough Multi and Combination Planes Rosewood handled multi plane no. 405 made by Record, comes with 22 tungsten steel cutters, long and short arms, screwdriver, cam steady, beading stop, sliding section depth gauge, adjustable depth gauge, 2 spurs, Record how to use booklet (held together by tape) and wooden box.

Plough Planes, Multi and Combination Planes

Plough plane no. 044 made by Record. Comes complete with 8 tungsten steel cutters, long and short arms, adjustable depth gauge and the original Record box (box is in poor condition with a large tear). This old woodworking plane has loss and faded plating. Rosewood handled combination plane no. 50 made by Stanley. Colocar Friso de madera (II) - Leroy Merlin - Bricolaje, construcción, decoración, jardín. The Superior Works - Patrick's Blood & Gore: Planes #1 - #8. Quick Find: #1, #2, #2C, #3, #3C, #4, #A4, #S4, #4C, #4 1/2, #4 1/2C, #4 1/2H, #5, #A5, #S5, #5C, #5 1/4, #5 1/4C, #5 1/2, #5 1/2C, #5 1/2H, #6, #A6, #6C, #7, #7C, #8, #8C Let the games begin, starting with the bread and butter of Stanley, upon which they built an empire, the Bailey patent bench plane in its various configurations.

The Superior Works - Patrick's Blood & Gore: Planes #1 - #8

Leonard Bailey designed what has become the standard plane configuration that's still in use to this day. He was the undisputed champion of the plane slugfest that errupted in the decades after the Civil War. If you're at all fascinated with handplane design, follow this link to read all about the Better Moustraps. A general description of stuff to look for when examining a bench plane is listed under the #3 smoother. All dimensions that follow each number indicate the length of the sole, the width of the cutter, and the weight of the tool.

One other thing - you'll note that I sometimes refer to the cutter as the iron and vice versa. Over in Scotland, Mr. Veritas® Dowel Maker. Until now, making accurately sized dowels has been beyond the ability of the small shop and, in fact, beyond the ability of much of the dowel-making industry.

Veritas® Dowel Maker

Commonly available dowel rod is made from a milling process that is imprecise at best and wildly inaccurate at worst. We sell good dowel but that is not common. As broad as our selection is, it is still limited in the number of sizes and woods. The Veritas® Dowel Maker lets you make perfectly sized dowel from 1/4" to 1" dia. in 1/16" increments, up to 4' long (or longer in the larger diameters) from any wood species you wish.

The process uses two blades (both highly wear-resistant A2 tool steel), one for roughing and the other for final sizing. The cast and anodized aluminum body of the dowel maker comes drilled to make 1" dia. dowel and includes both 1" and 15/16" steel guide bushings. The body of the dowel maker incorporates micrometer adjustments in both blade-fixing mechanisms. Construya su propio Banco de Trabajo de Carpinteria. Dowel Maker for long Dowels, Dowel Sizing Plate. Veritas Dowel Former This dowel former allows you to make dowels of any length as you need them. You simply drive an oversized piece of wood through the sharp-edged hole of the solid A2 tool steel insert to shear excess material from the dowels. The 76 mm (3 inch) diameter mounting plate (which can be used over a 19 mm or 20 mm dog hole) has two screw holes for permanent mounting; the interchangeable inserts snap into it securely.

You need at least one mounting plate and one insert in the size of the dowel you want to make. Cross section view on picture shown for clarity! Mounting Plate Compatible with all sizes Order nr. 325202 Price ✱ € 11.90 Insert 3 mm Order nr. 325210 Price ✱ € 9.90 Insert 4 mm This size not yet available! Insert 6 mm Order nr. 325213 Insert 8 mm Order nr. 325214 Insert 10 mm Order nr. 325215 Insert 12 mm Order nr. 325216. Smart Shop in a One-Car Garage. Space-saving solutions for a small shop Tales of bad shops are a woodworker’s war stories.

Smart Shop in a One-Car Garage

After living in five houses in seven years, I have plenty of them to tell: ladders under closeted trapdoors that descended into windowless basements, ceilings that were only an inch taller than I am when I stand barefoot, abandoned radiators, wasp nests, snow, water—good Lord, the water—and a hole in the middle of one shop floor (about 2 ft. in diameter and 2 ft. deep) just behind the infeed side of my tablesaw. HERRAMIENTAS E INSTRUMENTOS MANUALES DE CARPINTERIA. Por herramienta e instrumento entenderemos un conjunto de piezas combinadas adecuadamente, que sirven con determinado objetivo el ejercicio de las artes y oficios.Las herramientas e instrumentos ayudan a dar forma a la madera, desde la tala del árbol hasta el producto final, sea éste un mueble o el elemento estructural de una obra.Estas piezas tienen ingerencia en la obtención de un resultado óptimo y eficiente.Es importante destacar que, si bien las herramientas son importantes en el trabajo a realizar, la labor y desarrollo de las habilidades de quien las maneje son esenciales, sobre todo en las herramientas manuales.Sumado a lo anterior, el correcto y óptimo uso de las herramientas requiere conocimiento en la disposición de los elementos físicos y constitutivos de la estructura de madera.


HERRAMIENTAS MECANICAS: Son aquellas herramientas que requieren la aplicación de fuerza del ser humano para realizar su labor. En este subgrupo encontramos las siguientes herramientas: más fino. Tipos de cepillos de carpintero: guillame garlopas garlopines cepillos de banco y de ahondar. Historia del cepillo de carpintero Actualmente los talleres de carpintería han relegado estas herramientas sustituyéndolas por maquinas eléctricas, de ahí que muchas de las actuales se basen en las antiguas herramientas manuales pareciendo estas últimas objetos de anticuario pese a que su funcionalidad y calidad no se ha perdido con el paso del tiempo.

tipos de cepillos de carpintero: guillame garlopas garlopines cepillos de banco y de ahondar

Esta herramienta manual desde un estudio histórico se hace difícil averiguar su origen ya que al ser herramientas construidas con materiales perecederos como la madera su conservación es casi nula. Tenemos que buscar su origen en raíces lingüísticas y en representaciones pictóricas para centrar más su origen. Es evidente que desde que el hombre fabrico con sus propias manos herramientas estas se emplearon para diferentes usos según sus necesidades mejorando el trabajo y la calidad de vida de las gentes.

El primer hallazgo de uno de estos cepillos fue en 1596 en un buque naufragado. Su uso es en cajeados pequeños y en cerraduras y bisagras. PARTES DE UN CEPILLO METÁLICO DE CARPINTERÍA. El cepillo metálico de carpintero se compone de mas o menos 18 piezas fundamentales.


CEPILLADO Y PULIDO DE PIEZAS PLANAS Y CURVAS EN MADERA. CEPILLAR Y PULIR : Esta operecion consiste en pulir con el cepillo metalico, con la rasqueta o raspa y rematar con lija, las superficies de la madera ya maquinada para pasar a armar el mueble.


Es inportante tener bien afilado el cepillo y no dejar mucha cuchilla para poder realizar un buen cepillado. Luego del cepillo se le da con la rasqueta para desaparecer algunas incordinaciones que deja el cepillo, por ultimo, se le da lija a mano para terminar el pulido. PREPARACION DEL CEPILLO PARA PULIR : Despues de afilada la cuchilla,esta no debe sobresalir maximo hasta 1 mm.con relacion al contrahierro. CEPILLADO MANUAL DE MADERA CON CEPILLO METALICO (PASOS, PARTES, AFILADO Y USOS) Meeker's antique tools, Stanley Combination planes, patented tools. Antique / Collectible & User Quality Stanley Rule & Level Co Millers Patent Planes & Stanley Plow & Combination Planes Stanley Rule & Level Co Millers Patent Plow & Fillister Planes Charles Miller 1872 Patent # 50 Bronze Improved Joiners Plow Plane There are just a handful of these rare planes known.

Meeker's antique tools, Stanley Combination planes, patented tools

They were made in both iron and bronze / gunmetal as this one is. The design for this style plane was patented by Charles Miller in 1872 and it was offered for just one year in the Russell & Irwin catalog of 1875. Miller held other plane patents, and worked for Stanley for a short time prior to this. The collector found this plane in California back in the 70's or early 80's. Click for Pic Click for Pic Click for Pic Click for Pic Click for Pic. Stanley Combination Planes. The Superior Works - Patrick's Blood & Gore: Planes #46 - #54. Quick Find: #46, #47, #48, #49, #50, #51, #52, #53, #54 #46 Adjustable Dado and Plow Plane, 10 1/2"L, various widths, 5 3/4lbs, 1874-1942.

The Superior Works - Patrick's Blood & Gore: Planes #46 - #54

This plane was designed by Justus A. Traut, a German immigrant, who was generally known as "The Patent King of the United States. " He held at least 145 patents, ranging from woodworking tools to bottle openers. 50man.pdf (application/pdf Object) Stanley Shaving Deflector. 1927 Stanley catalogue no 34. Catalogue No. 34 This wonderful catalog has everything from Aluminum Carpenter Squares to Zig-Zag Rules. One hundred and ninety-two (192) pages with fine line art depictions of hundreds of hand tools like the ones below. Stanley tools were as collectable in 1927 as they are today. #50 Photo Gallery.

#50 Photo Gallery A later model Stanley #50, which I believe was made in England. A type 9 #50 in tin box. Stanley 50 Light Combination Plane - in v. good condition. Cepillo / acanalador de carpintero, marca stanl. Woodworking course,woodworking business,woodworking schools,woodworking training, woodworking plans by White Mountain Design. Stanley 13-050 Combination Plane. I was hunting for the Record 043 plough plane based on the description of the Cornish Workshop "The #043 is one of those planes that everyone who tries it loves immediately". But after seeing the #043 come and go through my ceiling on ebay UK, I finally got a bottom price hit on my parallel track: a Stanley 13-050 Combination Plane. For the Stanley 13-050 the description is "A modern abomination ... , but apparently can work rather well.

", but no complaints, compared to a plough plane, it has more blades and can do more. To make it more complete, a picture of beaded tongue and groove joints used in a front door. Fitting plough cutters under 6 mm seemed impossible, but after (reading the manual and) removing the sliding section the smallest plough cutters ( 1/8", 4mm and 3/16") can be set on a single skate.

Receiving my 13-050 I was surprised to see it was made of cast iron. I also found a different model packaged in the same 13-050 box with a light brown handle on the cover. Stanley 13-050 vs Veritas Small Plow Plane. After saying in a first post that: the Stanley 13-050, being a last generation model combination plane, has nearly everything covered and is well thought over, I want to make the comparison with a recent plow plane the Veritas Small Plow Plane (VSPP).

To compensate the fact that I don't have access to a Veritas plow plane, I look at the excellent article from Derek Cohen staging a comparative test between Veritas and Record #043 and #044. What I miss in this line up is the Record 050C which has the same rounded body as the Veritas plane. Weight The 13-050 is nearly two times heavier than the VSPP, this is due in part to the second skate and part to the heavy, square construction. Derek Cohen says that the VSPP has the perfect weight being in between the #043 and #044. Adam Cherubini favours even lighter planes, saying that the lighter wooden planes have a distinct advantage over their heavier metal counterparts. Left - Right The VSPP has a left and a right hand model. SISTEMAS Y METODOS DE CURVADO DE MADERA.