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Newbie's guide to Twitter. If you're not using Twitter yet, you may feel as if you've missed out.

Newbie's guide to Twitter

Twitter has not only tipped the tuna, but by some estimations, it has already jumped the shark. Don't be put off by its excessive popularity with SXSW geeks or by the whining of Twitter haters who missed the fun. Web Strategy: What the Web Strategist should know about Twitter. You: A Web Strategist If you’re responsible for the direction of your online strategies for your company or organization, you’ve probably been hearing buzz about Twitter, a next-generation instant messaging tool.

Web Strategy: What the Web Strategist should know about Twitter

Even if you’re new to Twitter, this will serve as a guide to educate you, help you make a decision, link to resources, and provide a starting point for your strategy. [Twitter, a scalable instant messaging service, is being used by early adopters in the tech industry, what is it? And how can it improve my communications?] Web Strategy Theory to know before you go forward If you’ve not already figured it out, the corporate website is becoming less relevant, and web marketing (and support) has spread off your domain and google results.