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A CSS Sticky Footer. A CSS Sticky Footer that just works We've all tried to use a CSS Sticky Footer one time or another, but they never seem to come out right, do they? Well, the days of a hard to understand CSS Sticky Footer are thankfully over. With just a few simple CSS classes with minimal extra HTML markup, I've fashioned a CSS Sticky Footer that even beginners can get a handle on.

It's been tested in IE 5 and up, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera. Usage of the CSS Sticky Footer Great! This is exactly what I'm looking for! Absolutely. View the CSS or learn about using it NEW: HTML5 Sticky Footer. CSS Dock Menu. May 08, 2007 270 Comments Tags: Javascript If you are a big Mac fan, you will love this CSS dock menu. It is using Jquery library and Fisheye component from Interface and some of my icons. It comes with two dock position: top and bottom. CSS dock menu screenshot Update: I no longer support the questons regard this dock menu. View Demo | Download 1. Download the CSS dock menu zip package. 2. In between the HTML <head> tag, add the following code The first part is the Javascript, second part is CSS stylesheet, and last part is the PNG hack for IE 6. 3.

Don’t forget to add the following code to anywhere within the <body> tag: 4. To add menu item to the top dock (note: span tag is after the img tag): <a class="dock-item" href="#"><img src="images/home.png" alt="home" /><span>Home</span></a> To add menu item to the bottom dock (note: span tag is before the img tag): <a class="dock-item2" href="#"><span>Home</span><img src="images/home.png" alt="home" /></a> Browser Compatibility Collapse All Expand All. Ten Javascript Tools Everyone Should Have. Filed: Sun, Mar 04 2007 under Programming|| Tags: toolbox javascript popular list Javascript frameworks have exploded on the scene over the last few years but they're no replacement for a good toolbox: those little snippets of code you seem to include in every single project.

Here's my list of 10 essential Javascript tools everyone should have at their fingertips! #0 - Trim. Trim is one of the things that leave you scratching your head wondering why it was never included in the language to begin with. Thanks to prototyping however it's fairly easy to make up for the original oversight. String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); } String.prototype.ltrim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+/g,""); } String.prototype.rtrim = function() { return this.replace(/\s+$/g,""); } Usage… var test = " Test "; var test1 = test.ltrim(); // returns "Test " var test2 = test.rtrim(); // returns " Test" var test3 = test.trim(); // returns "Test" #1 - Numeric Sort.

CSS tutorial. Bert Bos CWI, Amsterdam, Netherlands the 12th of May, 2006 Part 1 – Principles CSS annotates a tree with style properties Colors backgrounds Fonts, weights, styles Margins, padding, borders List numbering Basic shapes (inline, block, list, table…) Line height Justification Underlining, etc. <h2>Ellipsis Points</h2> <h3>Their Function</h3> <p>Ellipsis points indicate that either a few letters of a word or one or more words have been omitted.

<p>Grammar calls this omission of words ellipsis. <p>A poet writes: <blockquote> <p>I do not know what it could mean<br> that I am saddened so. Ellipsis Points Their Function Ellipsis points indicate that either a few letters of a word or one or more words have been omitted. Grammar calls this omission of words ellipsis. A poet writes: I do not know what it could mean that I am saddened so.

The style in a typical browser Binding in CSS is done with selectors CSS has selectors for Example: <h2>An <em>example</em> header</h2><p>First para not indented. Third, too. <! 10 Smart Javascript Techniques For Manipulating Content. Jan 11 2009 Delivering informative structure is the primary task an interactive user interface should be able to cope with. The more intuitive layout structure is designed, the better users can understand the content. Whatever content you have to present, you can present them in a more interactive & more responsive ways. In this article we’d like to present 10 11 smart javascript techniques you should always have handy when creating your next layout design.

“Page Sliders”, “Hiding Content”, “Image or Content Sliders”, “Animated Slideshows”, “Carousels”, “Tabbed content” as well as “resizable, draggable & slidable” & “lightboxes” modules that you can use for effective presentations of your content (text or images). 1. jQuery pageSlide jQuery pageSlide is a plugin for jQuery that slides the viewable webpage off-screen, revealing and populating a secondary interaction pane. Check OUt the Demo Here 2. Here is the javascript code to enable slideOut() effect: Check it out here 3. Check it out here. 10 Resources for When You Need Help with CSS | Vandelay Website. From time-to-time there will probably be situations where you could use some help or guidance with CSS during your web design and development work. While there are plenty of great CSS resources available, I would like to point out 10 that can be very helpful resources in these situations. Stack Overflow Stack Overflow is sort of a combination of social media and a forum.

It is a niche specific site focused on programming and development (CSS is just one of the topics being discussed). The purpose of Stack Overflow is to ask and provide answers to questions for programmers. Anyone can post a question (you don’t even have to create an account) and then other members will be able to provide answers to your questions. CSS-Discuss is a large and very active mailing list for CSS-related issues. CSS Cheat Sheet The CSS Cheat Sheet is a great reference to have on hand in anticipation of those times when a little extra help might be needed. CSS Shorthand Cheat Sheet Firebug CSS-Tricks. Emulate Ajax Image Loading with CSS | 404 Creative Studio. This is just a nifty little trick to add a simple ajax-style loader graphic to your images. It gives the vistor a visual indication that the images are still loading. It works great for image galleries or anywhere it might take a few seconds for an image to load initially. It’s all done with a little css and takes just a couple of minutes to do.

Here’s some basic markup and here’s the CSS needed to add the loader image… That’s pretty much it. It really works best when you define the height and width of the image in the markup or else with CSS. Click Here to See the Demo Page You can create some custom ajax-style downloder images at the AjaxLoad website.