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GLASS LIFE IN FUTURE. The Rise and Fall of a Companion Robot: Lessons Learned from Pleo. All Brains Are the Same Color. Ann Arbor, Mich. JAMES WATSON, the 1962 Nobel laureate, recently asserted that he was “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” and its citizens because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours — whereas all the testing says not really.” Dr. Watson’s remarks created a huge stir because they implied that blacks were genetically inferior to whites, and the controversy resulted in his resignation as chancellor of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. But was he right? Is there a genetic difference between blacks and whites that condemns blacks in perpetuity to be less intelligent? The first notable public airing of the scientific question came in a 1969 article in The Harvard Educational Review by Arthur Jensen, a psychologist at the University of California, Berkeley.

Dr. In fact, the evidence heavily favors the view that race differences in I.Q. are environmental in origin, not genetic. What do we know about the effects of environment? 2011 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: The Theory of Everything. Book. Learn to code.


64 Things Every Geek Should Know - The term ‘geek’, once used to label a circus freak, has morphed in meaning over the years. What was once an unusual profession transferred into a word indicating social awkwardness. As time has gone on, the word has yet again morphed to indicate a new type of individual: someone who is obsessive over one (or more) particular subjects, whether it be science, photography, electronics, computers, media, or any other field.

A geek is one who isn’t satisfied knowing only the surface facts, but instead has a visceral desire to learn everything possible about a particular subject. A techie geek is usually one who knows a little about everything, and is thus the person family and friends turn to whenever they have a question. If you’re that type of person and are looking for a few extra skills to pick up, or if you’re a newbie aiming to get a handhold on the honor that is geekhood, read on to find out what skills you need to know. 1. The Meaning of Technical Acronyms USB – Universal Serial Bus 2. For scientific information. Robert Lanza, M.D.: What Is It Like After You Die?

The question, "What is it like after you die? " can make you wonder about taking the time to ponder such philosophical babble. You might reply, "The only way to know is when you die. " Not so. You won't know any more than you do now. Increasingly, scientists are beginning to realize that an infinite number of realities may exist outside our old classical way of thinking. Our instinctual understanding of reality is the same as most other animals. But regardless of these differences, we genome-based creatures all share a common biological (spatio-temporal) information-processing ability. At death there's a break in our linear stream of consciousness, and thus a break in the linear connection of times and places.

So what's it like when you die? Despite my sense of loss, I reluctantly tried a few other TV series, eventually stumbling upon "Grey's Anatomy. " Think of a football field full of stacks of DVDs piled up to the sky.