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Guidance Plus Educational Services. Matha Electronics – All in one electronics components store. Vismay - Online Shopping for Womens Fashion. Quarto-ERP – The best Business Management ERP Software Solutions. Cybernetic-GI Cyber Security Consulting Service. Cybernetic GI - Cybersecurity provider. Artificial intelligence pioneers win ‘Tech Nobel’ Tesla's Full Self-driving Car Technology. AI-powered business automation solution development in Australia.

Quantum Computing – cloud computing development companies in brisbane. Samsung 6G - Next-Generation Communication Technology. The tech giant Samsung has released a white paper on July 14, entitled "The Next Hyper-Connected Experience for all," depicting the company's vision for the next-generation communication system, namely 6G. The paper contains numerous 6G-related aspects including technical and societal megatrends, new services, requirements, candidate technologies, and expected standardization timelines. In the paper, Samsung plans to offer hyper-connectivity using 6G mobile technology, which will have a total data transfer rate of 1,000 Gbps (gigabits per second) and less than 100ms air latency, roughly 50 times faster and one-tenth the 5G latency. 6G's technical criteria include addressing problems resulting from the limited computation capacity of mobile devices, as well as introducing AI right from the initial step of technology development, and encouraging new network entities to operate flexibly and efficiently.

For more details, visit: Why Should You Go ‘Serverless’? The prominence of the “serverless ” term started to grow when Amazon launched AWS Lambda in 2014. Ever since, we've seen the term rapidly flourish in use and reference, with more vendors entering the market with their solutions (Azure recently went GA with Functions, for example). What is it all about, and how does the new trend impact how people write and deploy apps? Is "serverless" a paradigm shift or merely a normal evolution of infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and as a service platform (PaaS)? In this post, let’s learn and discuss Whats Server-less Computing?

, How it evolved? Why Data Is Fuel In The Modern Economy. 21st Century data is like 18th Century oil: an indispensable, emerging resource. Like oil, there will be immense benefits for those who see the profound value of Data and learn to extract and leverage it. We are in a digital economy where the centrality of the Data is substantially higher than ever.

Digital Transformation: How To Transform & Future-Proof Your Business. What is digital transformation? Today Digital Transformation is not merely a buzzword. It has become an indispensable attribute of businesses around the globe and a top priority of savvy CXOs. Why is VR & AR Technology About to Change the World? New technologies always bring change to the world. It is necessary to keep ourselves updated with these new technologies. It often causes exciting and beautiful improvements in all domains of our day to day lives. Technological innovations will always bring positive progress in the human habitat. Tips to Shop Safe Baby Gifts For Babies & Young Children – Happykid Online. While visiting a newly-born, it has become the norm to offer a gift during the first visit.

Tips to Shop Safe Baby Gifts For Babies & Young Children – Happykid Online

And in most cases, it is likely to be a toy or some baby accessory for the young one. Giving a gift is alright, but one needs to also consider the fact whether the being offered is safe enough for the baby. Most often adults go along with aesthetics and the looks of the toy without ever wondering about the safety aspect of it all. In today’s market, there is a good selection available when it comes to toys and one should be careful in selecting that are going to be given as gifts. Cybernetic-GI Cyber Security Consulting Service. Cloud Computing, digital transformation in Australia.