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Free Classical Music

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Main Page. The 3 Best Free Classical Music Download Sites. Classical music can be an ambiguous term.

The 3 Best Free Classical Music Download Sites

It is widely used to identify the Classical period, which approximately covers the years from 1750 to 1820. On the other hand, Western art music from 1000 CE to the present is also called classical music. The following is a list of the best classical music download sites that provide a mix of both, i.e. classical music ranging from Baroque, Classical, and Romantic periods and via the 20th century to Contemporary classical music of our time.

All tracks and albums are legal to download. They are either copyleft / public domain or available under a Creative Commons license. Classic Cat - the free classical music directory. Sound/list. This is the main page for listing full length free content musical works available on Wikipedia or Wikimedia Commons, with special emphasis on works that are (or should be) linked in Wikipedia articles.


There are separate sub-pages for composer names that begin with the following letters of the alphabet: A Baa–Bac Bac–Baz Bba–Bee Bef–Bzz C D–E F–G H I–L M N–Q R S T–Z Smartphones like the iPhone can store and play music listed here, using various free apps such as Capriccio. Listen to classical music.