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iOSBuild - playn - How to build and run your PlayN game on iOS - Cross platform game library for N≥5 platforms. Note: This article describes the process for building and running the PlayN Showcase sample project on iOS. The same instructions will work for your own PlayN game. Requirements You must use Maven to build and package your game. You can invoke the necessary Maven commands from within Eclipse or IDEA or another IDE, but there is no custom IDE plugin. You must be developing on a Mac. Configuration You must provide the path to your ikvm-monotouch directory to the Maven plugin that will prepare your game for iOS. <settings> <profiles> <profile> <id>ikvm-monotouch</id> <properties> <ikvm.path>${user.home}/ikvm-monotouch</ikvm.path> </properties> </profile> </profiles> <activeProfiles> <activeProfile>ikvm-monotouch</activeProfile> </activeProfiles></settings> Be sure to change the path to ikvm-monotouch if you did not install it in your home directory.

Building and Running in Simulator Build and package your game code via Maven. Cd playn-samples/showcase mvn -Pios package open ios/showcase.sln. Devs respond to Google PlayN | News. Cross Platform Game Programming with PlayN. Lilli Thompson, Game Developer Advocate, Google Nice to meet you! Overview What is it? Why do you need it? How is it implemented? What's next? What is PlayN? The basics An API for cross-platform gamesGWT / Java basedCompiles to JS/HTML5, Flash, AndroidFormerly known as "ForPlay"Learn more: In use in the wild! Why do you need it? What's the problem? Too many platforms! Isn't HTML5 supposed to solve this? OK, but why Java? Familiar tools and libraries Box2D: C++ 2D Physics engine by Erin CattoJBox2D: Java port of Box2DGWTBox2D: JS port via GWT Box2D for Physics What's so cool about GWT?

Removes unused codeCompile time checkingInlines, optimizesObfuscates outputAdjusted for browser quirks Where's the HTML5? WebGLCanvas2DCSS3Web Audio API How does it work? PlayN API Structure Think: Service Provider Interface (SPI) API concept Keep the core smallLots of samples Components of PlayN Game code has no platform-specific calls The Game Loop Implement PlayN.Game Rendering Drawing API Layer system Sounds. Android - libgdx or playn. Playn - Cross platform game library for N≥5 platforms. GettingStarted - playn - Getting started guide - Cross platform game library for N≥5 platforms. You can run the PlayN showcase sample in three easy steps: 1. git clone cd playn-samples/showcase3. mvn test -Pjava # Alternatively: ant run-java That's it! If the instructions on this page do not work for you, please... This guide contains sections on: The sample projects are hosted in the Git repository of the playn-samples project.

First you must install Git. Next you can check out the samples code to your machine like so: git clone This will create a directory named playn-samples which contains the sample project source code. There are three main sample projects: hello - demonstrates the barebones skeleton needed to get a project working on all of the supported PlayN platforms showcase - demonstrates various capabilities of the PlayN framework cute - demonstrates a more complete game (note: it is woefully incomplete at the moment) The sample projects may be run via Maven or Eclipse. Running via Maven Finally:

Overview - PlayN. Game development technologies have changed dramatically in recent years. "Game developer" now describes a huge number of people working with an incredible diversity of technologies and exciting new gaming platforms. It has never been easier to create games, and modern social, mobile, and web technologies make it easier than ever to get those games in the hands of a wide variety of users. But here's the problem: there are too many platforms! Developers want to get their games into into the hands of as many users as possible, but those users are scattered across technologies.

To reach them all, you need versions of your game for each platform, and that's time consuming, expensive, and hard to maintain. PlayN is an open-source cross-platform abstraction layer that uses the GWT compiler to take one code base written in Java and compile it into targets that run it as HTML5, Flash, Java, or as a native Android application. Get Started with PlayN today and try it for yourself! Web Toolkit. (99+) PlayN. Tutorial 000 - Set Up PlayN - Big Dice Games Tutorials. Our experience using PlayN for an Android game. Thanks for the detailed feedback. We will try to address this in our next release (due in the next 2-3 weeks). Please see my response below for your specific comments: On Wednesday, 29 August 2012 13:31:54 UTC-7, Darrin Thompson wrote: On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 1:35 PM, Inderjeet Singh <inde...> wrote: We would love to get feedback from the PlayN list members about the game. I played the single player mode and found it's pretty fun. You can also just touch the letters for them to be sent to the other bar. And at one point the game was obscuring the letter box targets with a message exhorting me to drag letters to the target.

Yes, we show that help text 5 times and then it goes away. BTW, the help text asked you to click on the letters not drag, I think. I want to play in landscape mode. Agreed. Also, I played the game at work and it was really loud. Good point. I am not familiar with Daily Jumble but we will take a look. Your feedback is much appreciated! Thank you Inder.