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Hyper Light Drifter by Heart Machine. Note: $10 gets you the game on PC, Mac or Linux, Steam or DRM-free. $15 and up lets you choose PS4, Vita, Wii U, or OUYA!

Hyper Light Drifter by Heart Machine

You can add extra rewards to your current tier if you so desire (remember, no need to change your tier, just add the amount and we'll see the amount and a note from you during the survey): Add $5 - Digital OST for the gameAdd $10 - Unlock the Alternate playable DrifterAdd $15 - Additional Copy of the Game for any platformAdd $30 - Limited run t-shirt (no international yet)Add $35 - SNES style physical box and manual (no international yet)Add $42 - Limited Compact Print (11x14) (no international yet)Add $60 - Printed Softcover Companion Art Book (no international yet) Drifters of this world are the collectors of forgotten knowledge, lost technologies and broken histories. Our Drifter is haunted by an insatiable illness, traveling further into the lands of Buried Time, steeped in blood and treasure hoping to discover a way to quiet the vicious disease. Rifle Roly Poly. ATTACK_ON_TITAN. Hamachi Server Setup.

Gunpoint is out! A stealth game about rewiring things and punching people. After three years of working in my weekends, Gunpoint is out!

Gunpoint is out! A stealth game about rewiring things and punching people.

Try it first, then if it works OK and you like it, buy it below! What are these fancy editions? They’re fancy! You can get all three from Steam or from here, and you can upgrade to any of them later. Here are the details! Gunpoint: Special Edition Gunpoint: a 2D stealth game about rewiring things and punching people.The Soundtrack: includes all of the game’s noir-inspired spy music in high quality MP3 format.Developer Commentary: when enabled, you’ll find little sprites of Gunpoint’s developers on every mission.

Gunpoint: Exclusive Edition Gunpoint: a 2D stealth game about rewiring things and punching people.The Soundtrack: includes all of the game’s noir-inspired spy music in high quality MP3 format.Developer Commentary: when enabled, you’ll find little sprites of Gunpoint’s developers on every mission. Special Edition Extras If you already have the base game, you can buy the extras from these editions separately: Note! Private Dick - The Gunpoint Blog. I’m making a game!

Private Dick - The Gunpoint Blog

I will probably never finish it! But I thought I’d start talking about it anyway, to keep my goals straight and get feedback on my ideas as I go. I’m doing it because Spelunky , one of my favourite games ever, was made by one guy in a program called Game Maker . Obviously it doesn’t follow that “If design/coding/art genius Derek Yu can do it, I can too!” But it does make you realise that game-making programs aren’t just for shitty test games. My game is about a little dude in a trenchcoat who sorts out – or completely screws up – delicate problems like hostage situations, with a few pseudo-science special abilities. I wanted to see if, with little time, less talent and no experience, I could make a game that would achieve some of the things I’ve always wanted from the games I play.

A gun going off is a big deal. Failure isn’t terminal. You can change things in non-destructive ways. Movement is superhuman, but constrained by physics. More Gunpoint. Blink.