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Dunbar's Number. Why Do People Follow Brands? [INFOGRAPHIC] On Twitter, Facebook, and dozens of other social sites, normal consumers often choose to keep tabs on the brands they love.

Why Do People Follow Brands? [INFOGRAPHIC]

In fact, many brands have highly optimized their marketing and PR strategies to accommodate that behavior, even going to far as to do one-to-one CRM (that's customer or consumer relationship management) through avenues such as Facebook and Twitter. As social CRM specialists Get Satisfaction found, many consumers who follow brands online are only in it for the perks. Around 40% of Facebook, MySpace and Twitter users in a recent study said they followed brands to get access to discounts and special deals. SEE ALSO: The Biggest Brands on Facebook [INFOGRAPHIC] Another common response in the same survey indicated that many consumers will follow a brand if they are current customers.


Psychology. Multiple Intelligence. Game Theory. Mental Representations.