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How to transfer inkjet images to wood. Here we go!

How to transfer inkjet images to wood

This is what you'll need. Mod Podge, Elmer's washable glue, and a piece of cardstock. PROJECT GALLERY. Day #16 ~ Getting Organized Challenge (Cleaning out & Organizing the Fridge) New Nostalgia. My bedroom recently got a bit out of control.

New Nostalgia

Life has been more busy than normal. It seems like I would be home to eat, change & sleep-- but then off to the next thing. Seasons of life are like that. I am always happy when margins are reestablished and life gives a break to rescue the mess left scattered in the path of busyness. My bedroom is a place I work hard at maintaining a peaceful & romantic environment. Pantry Recipes for Homemade Cleaning Products. Taken a trip down the cleaning aisle at the supermarket lately?

Pantry Recipes for Homemade Cleaning Products

If you believe the ad hype, you can't keep a clean house without loading your shopping cart with a different cleaner for each surface, floor and sink in the house. Hogwash! Simple recipes using products from your pantry make effective household cleaning solutions.