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Maps, Quests, Items, NPCs, Mobs and more for WoW - World of Warc. DS Arm. Shadow Priest Gear Rankings. VE Site. WoW Enchanting Guide 1-450 | Enchanting Leveling Guide. This Enchanting leveling guide will show you the fastest and easiest way how to level your Enchanting skill up from 1 to 800. Updated for Legion patch 7.2 You will spend a lot of gold on this profession if you want to buy every materials from the Auction House.

It depends on the realm economy, but can cost up to thousands of gold. Enchanting goes well with Tailoring because you don't need a gathering profession to support either of these. And if you level Tailoring and Enchanting at the same time, you can disenchant most of the cloths you make. If you are low on gold, I recommend you to try this Gold Making Guide, it can help you to make loads of gold. If you are still leveling your character or you just started a new alt, I recommend you to use a leveling guide. Enchanting guide sections: Apprentice 1 - 50 Journeyman 50 - 135 Expert 135 - 220 Artisan 220 - 300 Master 300 - 350 Grand Master 350 - 425 Illustrious 425 - 500 Zen 500 - 600 Warlords of Draenor 600 - 700 Legion 700 - 800 Pandaria.

WoW Tailoring Guide 1-450 | Tailoring Leveling Guide. This WoW Tailoring guide will show you the fastest and easiest way how to get your Tailoring skill up from 1 to 600. Updated for WoW patch 5.4 You will need thousands of cloths if you want to level Tailoring. It will cost thousands of gold to buy the cloths, or if you farm them, it will take a lot of time to farm everything.

Tailoring is good combined with Enchanting because you will be able to disenchant most items you craft, but an Enchanter friend can do it for you too. Check out my Enchanting leveling guide if you want to level Enchanting. If you are low on gold, I recommend you to try this Gold Making Guide, it can help you to make loads of gold. If you are still leveling your character or you just started a new alt, I recommend you to use a leveling guide. Keep in mind, this Tailoring guide is made to level your profession as fast as possible, so sometimes the cloths you will make might not be the best items for your level or they won't be really profitable if you want to sell them.