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Become a Command Line Ninja With These Time-Saving Shortcuts. Ralf Laemmel | Tags. A Visual Explanation of SQL Joins. I love the concept, though, so let's see if we can make it work. Assume we have the following two tables. Table A is on the left, and Table B is on the right. We'll populate them with four records each. id name id name -- ---- -- ---- 1 Pirate 1 Rutabaga 2 Monkey 2 Pirate 3 Ninja 3 Darth Vader 4 Spaghetti 4 Ninja Let's join these tables by the name field in a few different ways and see if we can get a conceptual match to those nifty Venn diagrams. There's also a cartesian product or cross join, which as far as I can tell, can't be expressed as a Venn diagram: SELECT * FROM TableA CROSS JOIN TableB This joins "everything to everything", resulting in 4 x 4 = 16 rows, far more than we had in the original sets.

Stephen Roberts' Blog. UltimateVimPythonSetup - Launchpad Development. Did you come here by mistake? If so, check out our EmacsTips. Here's a complete vimrc file that you can use. To call it add these lines to your ~/.vimrc: if ! Exists("autocommands_loaded") let autocommands_loaded = 1 autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile,FileReadPost *.py source ~/.vim/python endif " This beauty remembers where you were the last time you edited the file, and returns to the same position. au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0|if line("'\"") <= line("$")|exe("norm '\"")|else|exe "norm $"|endif|endif And then create the ~/.vim/python file as below. Set indent to 4 spaces with no tabs and wrapping at 78 columns. Finally, there's a great pyflakes plugin here: Follow its setup instructions.

Most of the configs on this page are included in this branch, and it includes a macro for sorting and formatting a from/import statement and a plugin for pocketlint checking, which is not found elsewhere. S gitignore at master - GitHub. Classic Programming Quotes | Storm Development Blog.