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Primary Resources - Site Search. Plot the Coordinates to Draw a Picture | Worksheet. Mystery-graph-picture/graph-santa_WQWMF.pdf. Ordinates. Alien Mask From Coordinates. You can make an alien mask like this one: You will need: Some squared paper some card - A4 is ideal Some Glue Pens or paints. A stapler or sticky tape. If you do not have any squared paper you can download this file in rtf format. Once you have your materials draw an x and y axis on the squared paper. The x axis should go from 0 to 19 The y axis should go from 0 to 28 Now plot these coordinates and join them up like dot to dot as you go: Face: Left Eye: Right Eye: Left Nose: Right Nose: Mouth: Once you have plotted the coordinates, join them together like a dot to dot. Now follow these instructions Cut out the face and stick it onto a piece of card. Thats it, you now have an alien mask! Diplodocus Using Coordinates. Mystery-graph-picture/sailboat-easy-graph_WQWQD.pdf.