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Student Interactives. - Create beautiful visual quotes as images. EDpuzzle. Daqri's 4D Cubes Use Augmented Reality To Teach Kids The Periodic Table Of Elements. The worst part of high school?

Daqri's 4D Cubes Use Augmented Reality To Teach Kids The Periodic Table Of Elements

Most kids might say having to read The Scarlet Letter, or puberty. (I enjoyed both, thank you very much.) But arguably the most boring aspect was memorizing the periodic table--and all its damn elements, symbols, and atomic numbers. Now one Los Angeles company plans to spice up the periodic table, Hollywood-style. Today augmented-reality startup Daqri unveiled Elements 4D, a set of interactive blocks that aims to help students learn the properties of hydrogen and oxygen in a more visual, educational, and entertaining way. Elements 4D combines physical and digital experiences. The most clever and fun part of the service is that these element blocks can be combined, enabling students to witness chemical reactions in real time.

Certainly, it's a novel approach to teaching kids the periodic table. Still, Elements 4D is no doubt a refreshing approach to learning the periodic table. [Images Courtesy of Daqri] Teaching Social Studies and Language Arts. Teaching Social Studies and Language Arts a teacher exploring integration Interactive Notebooks My most popular posts seem to be on the implementation of the Interactive Notebook strategy.

Teaching Social Studies and Language Arts

I decided to create this page to arrange them in the most logical order. What is an Interactive Notebook? Frequently Asked Questions Interactive Notebooks Assignments (Teachers) Interactive Notebook Assignments (Students) Like this: 32 comments so far Brandon on March 4, 2010 I love the notebooks. Leave a Reply. Anyclip - Any Moment, from Any Film. PixiClip. Portfoliogen - Create a Free Customized Teacher Portfolio Website in Minutes! ScreenChomp. Serve up Tasty Screen Videos with your iPad Our first experimental app helps you create bite-sized video nuggets everyone can learn from.


This recordable whiteboard is just the canvas you need to jot your ideas down and share them – with the world, or just a friend or two. Helpful to anyone, but developed with teachers and students in mind, ScreenChomp records your touchscreen interactions and audio so you can… Send helpful tutoring videos home with students Allow kids to create videos that help their classmates Explain complexities from afar Record your most recent brilliant idea Share doodles with friends and family A whiteboard with many colored markers, a wide-open Canvas, and easy sharing through or Facebook make it as easy as Record.

Press for 3 seconds to clean your whiteboard. Import any image from your iPad's camera roll to doodle on. Use these colored markers to sketch, or hold for 3 seconds for more colors. Swipe over any mistakes to watch them disappear. Game-based blended learning & classroom response system. Three Ring. EDpuzzle. Science Friday. College Master in the Art of Teaching Blog. Videos, Common Core Resources And Lesson Plans For Teachers: Teaching Channel. Consulting Teacher. SchoolCircle.