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10 Ways Co-working Office Space Can Benefit Small Businesses. 10 Ways Co-working Office Space Can Benefit Small Businesses Whether you’re an independent business owner with a small start-up, freelancer or contract worker you could benefit enormously by setting up in a co-working office space. 1. Community Many freelancers work from home which can often make them feel cut off from the world, if you’ve felt this before and thought about working in another environment, you’ve probably tried working from a coffee shop or in the park, however; you’ll quickly learn that while these spaces can make you feel more a part of something, they’re not at all conducive to your work and productivity. Renting a co-working space allows workers to work independently either in an open or private office surrounded with like minded groups and individuals collaborating with each other. 2. 3. Share Clients Co-working office space is a great place to team up with other members of related industries and share clients. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

About the Author: Feature Blogger. Think Big Coworking | Coworking – More Than Just a Trend With Benefits That You Can Measure. The first coworking space in the country, Spiral Muse (later evolved into Hat Factory), had 8 desks, community lunches and enjoyed meditation and massages true to its San Francisco location roots. Coworking has come a long way since its 2005 conception, as today there are over 3000 spaces worldwide that host more than 100,000 people as their primary workplace. Coworking is a style of work that involves a shared working environment, often an office or cube, and independent activity. Unlike a typical office environment, coworkers usually are not employed by the same company, and are an attractive alternative to individual office space due to its collaborative, community nature.

The reasons why people cowork are many, but the benefits tend to be the same for those that work out of coworking spaces. Recent surveys by DeskMag, an authority in the coworking industry, published these statistics: Coworking is clearly here to stay. Think Big Coworking has a bit of a different focus. The open room / system - 1.0 / The Coworking Challenge for jovoto / jovoto. Seattle's co-working spaces nurture ideas, entrepreneurs | Opinion Northwest. My column in Thursday’s Seattle Times editorial page connects a growth of co-working spaces in Seattle with the millennial generation’s entrepreneurial spirit. Work force habits are evolving. When creative minds gather, innovation thrives. Impact Hub Seattle offers six membership levels for independent workers.

(PHOTO COURTESY: IMPACT HUB SEATTLE) Impact Hub Seattle in Pioneer Square. Are businesses paying attention? I highlighted two co-working spaces in the column: Makers in Belltown and Impact Hub Seattle in Pioneer Square. According to a 2010 Intuit study, 40 percent of Americans — or 60 million people — will be independent contractors or freelancers by 2020. Full-time jobs with full-time benefits may become more scarce. My parents’ generation was all about longevity and settling in jobs for the long haul. For a look inside Makers, check out the slideshow below from my Instagram feed: And here’s an interesting infographic by MBO Partners, a resource for independent workers:

The open room / system - 1.0 / The Coworking Challenge for jovoto / jovoto. How to Design a Co-working Space Aimed at Collaboration and Creativity | Austin Texas on GOOD. For years, Austin has been known as the "Live Music Capital of the World. " Willie Nelson statues adorn the streets, over 2,000 bands perform at the annual SXSW Music Festival, and local musicians serenade you while you’re in downward dog. While this motto absolutely represents the Texas capital, some of us are working to establish a second global identity: one that symbolizes entrepreneurship, purpose, and creativity. Enter the new Austin: the "Social Innovation Capital of the World.

" This self-dubbed designation was born from conversations at Center61: Austin’s first and only co-working space specifically designed for nonprofits and social entrepreneurs. Co-working is a cost-efficient, shared office space model that provides its members with access to traditional office amenities and connection to like-minded individuals. Make It Beautiful & Functional The visual elements in your space will greatly influence your members’ behavior and emotional state. Put Community First Create a Hub.