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Covens, Circles, & Solitary Wicca Practice. Covens, Circles, & Solitary Wicca Practice What's the point of covens?

Covens, Circles, & Solitary Wicca Practice

Do you really need one to be a witch? Trollspotting. Wicca Meetups near New York, New York - Wicca Meetups - New York. Wicca stores New York, NY. Wicca. This pentacle, worn as a pendant, depicts a pentagram, or five-pointed star, used as a symbol of Wicca by many adherents.


Wicca is a diverse religion with no central authority or figure defining it. It is divided into various lineages and denominations, referred to as traditions, each with its own organisational structure and level of centralisation. Due to its decentralized nature, there is some disagreement over what actually constitutes Wicca. Some traditions, collectively referred to as British Traditional Wicca, strictly follow the initiatory lineage of Gardner and consider the term Wicca to apply only to such lineaged traditions, while other eclectic traditions do not.

Terminology[edit] Application of the word Wicca has given rise to "a great deal of disagreement and infighting". Beliefs[edit] Beliefs vary markedly between different traditions and individual practitioners. Theology[edit] Duotheism[edit] The God and the Goddess[edit] And Witchcraft Information Index. Wiccan FAQ. Q.

Wiccan FAQ

Can I follow the path of Wicca or Witchcraft and be a Christian too? A. Again, some say yes and others maintain that they are completely separate religions. I believe that if one looks closely at the true teachings of Jesus with an open heart, you will find some stark commonalities. It is only when one takes literally the sometimes frail misinterpretations of those who misunderstood the intent or used the teachings to suit their own political agendas that one see's wide differences. As a solitary you are free to choose any path you desire, or any blend that "feels" right to you.

What is Wicca, Witchcraft and Paganism? Wiccan terms. Wiccan, Witchcraft & Pagan Definitions Aboriginal: Pagan tradition of the native Australian people.

wiccan terms

Adept: An individual who through serious study and accomplishments is considered highly proficient in a particular magickal system. Akasha Spirit: The fifth element, the omnipresent spiritual power that permeates the universe. Alchemy: A branch of High Magick developed in the Middle Ages which sought to magickally and/or chemically turn base metals into gold. Altar: A special, flat surface set aside exclusively for magickal workings or religious acknowledgment.

Amulet: A magically charged object which deflects specific, usually negative energies. Various Wiccan Traditions. Various Wiccan Traditions Gardnerian Wicca A retired British civil servant named Gerald B.

Various Wiccan Traditions

The Church and School of Wicca. Dedicated to Scott Cunningham. There are many varying opinions concerning Wicca, Witchcraft and the Neo-Pagan reconstruction movements we see today.

Dedicated to Scott Cunningham

It would appear there are as many different ways to walk this path as there are people traveling it. I suppose it is the freedom to follow the path which our inner voice tells us is right that has drawn so many, and continues to do so. Since the 1950's, there have been several people of integrity and wisdom who have had the courage to share gifts of insight with us. How to become a Wiccan or Witch. How to Become a Wiccan or Witch Being a Wiccan or Witch is generally not something you are born as or just wake up one morning and decide to become.

More often than not, you come across it by accident unless you were raised that way. Many find the philosophies of how Wicca and Witchcraft view nature are the same as the one's they currently hold. They just didn't know there was a specific belief system that shared the same views. As Silver RavenWolf accurately stated in her book To Ride A Silver Broomstick. If you are one who has seen striking similarities between what you believe and have found here, there are generally accepted ways to increase your awareness and find communion with others who feel the same. Elements and Magick. Elements & Magick The Ancients divided the world into four basic principles or *elements* earth, water, fire, and air.

Elements and Magick

That viewpoint has mostly changed with advances of science, but the four elements are still accepted in magick, for they are more closely linked with emotions, the human psyche, and with nature than are modern explanations of the world. These *magical elements* are also of some importance in astrology. Many occultists think of the magical elements as forces, or as *qualities* of energy; especially within the astral world. Each element has a symbol and color.

Magick sees relationships between things. Basic Magickal Protection and Psychic Self-Defense. Merry Meet, all! Herne asked me to write an article on the basic dangers of Magic. I had to rewrite that article, because what I was ending up with was more about protecting yourself than about possible dangers. The Concept of Deity. Introduction to Wicca: Teachers to Trust. Introduction to Wicca: Tips for Beginners When you're looking for an introduction to Wicca, you'll find a lot of contradictory information.

Introduction to Wicca: Teachers to Trust

One book will swear by one method, and another will guarantee that one is wrong. The problem is compounded when your introduction to Wicca is through websites. Everyone can make a website these days -- and has! -- and there's no quality control at all. So how do you know what's true and what's not? Here are some guidelines. The Sabbats of Wicca. Learn Wicca / Wicca 101 / Faerie Tradition Because witches honor nature, they have eight festivals, or Sabbats, that mark the year as it turns through its seasons.

The Sabbats of Wicca

The following is basic information about these Sabbats, and includes both standard Wiccan information as well as my personal Sabbat lore and experiences, in other words, what I perceive the Sabbats to be. Samhain happens near Halloween and is when the Wiccan year begins. Wiccan Sabbats and Pagan Holidays Index. The Wiccan Rede. Charge of the God. Song of the Goddess. I am the Great Mother, worshipped by all creation and existent prior to their consciousness. I am the primal female force, boundless and eternal. I am the chaste Goddess of the Moon, the Lady of all magic. The winds and moving leaves sing my name. I wear the crescent Moon upon my brow and my feet rest among the starry heavens. I am mysteries yet unsolved, a path newly set upon. Witches Reed of Chivalry. Charge of the Goddess. Before time was. The Witches Creed. Wicca Resources List: Books, Audio, Video/DVD.

Welcome African American Wiccan Society.