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Northern Tradition Shamanism: The Duergar: The Glint Of Gold. Of all the races whose lore Tolkien stole for his various books, the Duergar - or dwarves, as we call them, although that term has been historically appropriated for short humans who would rather it fell by the wayside - are the least changed by his fiction.

Northern Tradition Shamanism: The Duergar: The Glint Of Gold

Lore about them is sparse but extremely consistent. In modern fantasy gaming, the term "duergar" has come to mean a sub-race of evil dwarves, as opposed to jolly "Snow White"-type dwarves, but in actual lore there was no such division (unlike the Alfar). Of Dwarves and Elves. The Brisings or Bristlings were the name of the four dwarfs or dwarven brothers.

Of Dwarves and Elves

They were named Alfrigg, Berling, Dvalin and Grer. The Kunlun Servants & African Merchants in Ancient China. In my previous post I mentioned that I had read somewhere that two slaves given as gifts to the a Chinese Emperor by an Arab delegation were the first Africans to enter ancient China.

The Kunlun Servants & African Merchants in Ancient China

This may have been wrong really because dark-skinned people were talked in China as early as the 4th century. They were referred to as kunlun, a term which had many previous meanings but by the 4th century was at attached to the people with dark skin. Voodoo: Rada and Petro. Voodoo Rada and Petro Voodoo, like the catholic religion is in large part on a family of spirits.

Voodoo: Rada and Petro

In Catholicism these spirits are usually called saints. In Voodoo the name for the same class of being is a Loa or Lwa, the spelling has varied over time as the religion has migrated around the world. At Voodoo Rules, we use the spelling Loa. In Voodoo, we can say that there are families of loa who have slightly different personalities. The Aesir Gods and Goddesses - Norse Mythology for Smart People. The Angels: Morning Stars of Creation. Luciferianism. Luciferianism is a belief system that includes both theistic and secular denominations, and is therefore heavily influenced by personal perspectives and experiences.


Considered by many to be a religion and by all to be a philosophy or way of life, Luciferianism as a whole has no specific dogma to which its “followers” adhere. Rather, it is a deeply personal outlook with numerous variations ranging from the veneration of a literal deity and the practice of occultism to a secular set of principles, using mythological references as a form of symbolism and cultural tradition. General beliefs[edit] Although sometimes mistakenly associated with Satanism due to the Christian interpretation of the fallen angel, Luciferianism is a wholly different and unrelated belief system and does not revere the Devil figure or most characteristics typically affixed to Satan.

Contrary to popular misconceptions, Luciferianism does not typically support violence or amoral practices[citation needed]. Who is Satan - Lucifer - Archangels - Evil. Lucifer means 'light bearer.' Other names that may refer to Lucifer include Satan, Iblis, Beelzebub, Ba’al, Belial, Apollyon, Azazel, Leviathan, Lumiel, Prometheus, and Devil.

Who is Satan - Lucifer - Archangels - Evil

Main Characteristics: Lucifer was once among the most powerful of all archangels, and as his name suggests, he shone brightly in heaven. However, Lucifer let pride and jealousy of God affect him. Lucifer decided to rebel against God because he wanted supreme power for himself. Symbols: In art, Lucifer is often depicted with a grotesque expression on his face to illustrate the destructive effect of his rebellion on him. Energy Color: Black Role in Religious Texts: Some Jews and Christians believe that Isaiah 14:12-15 of the Torah and the Bible refers to Lucifer as a "bright morning star" whose rebellion against God caused his fall: "How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn!

Other Religious Roles: In Wicca, Lucifer is a figure in Tarot card readings. Meister's Collection for Stylish and Sophisticated Men - eXtravaganzi. “A Commitment for Life” is the slogan of the Meister.

Meister's Collection for Stylish and Sophisticated Men - eXtravaganzi

Swiss traditional family-run jewelry manufacturer offers a range of precision mens designer jewellery and mens fashion jewelry made by traditional craftsmanhip techniques. Every modern men with a feel for individuality and technical sophistication will find something for himself in Meister Men’s Collection. Lightbearer Meaning. The word “lightbearer” in its literal sense means he who bears the light.

Lightbearer Meaning

It is synonymous with a person who searches for knowledge and enlightenment and who in so doing seeks to bring it to mankind. It is in this pure and beautiful sense of the word that “lightbearer” has been used in the name of the Lightbearers Organization and as a reference to Baron Eugene Fersen. Historically, however, the word “lightbearer” has been given several meanings which today have resulted in its misalignment with its true meaning. Ben dahlhaus. Efren garza. The Structure of Egyptian Pantheon. Vii.

The Structure of Egyptian Pantheon

Grand-ennead.pdf. The Ennead. Book_gates.pdf.