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財政部訂定「財政部酒品認證標誌評審基準-啤酒」 財政部 令中華民國100年8月22日台財庫字第10003505440號 訂定「財政部酒品認證標誌評審基準-啤酒」,自即日生效。


附「財政部酒品認證標誌評審基準-啤酒」 部長 李述德 依分層負責規定授權單位主管決行 財政部酒品認證標誌評審基準-啤酒 1目的 本基準係為辦理財政部酒品認證標誌而制訂,其目的在於規範啤酒製造業者(以下簡稱業者)之製造、包裝及儲運等過程中,有關人員、建築、設施、設備之設置及衛生、製程及品質等管理作業,均能符合良好衛生規範,並藉適當運用危害分析重要管制點(HACCP)系統之原則,以防範在衛生安全條件不佳、可能引起污染或品質劣化之環境下作業,並減少作業錯誤之發生及建立健全之自主管理體系,以確保啤酒產品之衛生安全及穩定品質。 2適用範圍 本基準適用於經財政部許可設立之業者自行糖化、發酵、產製並經完整包裝之啤酒產品。 3專門用詞定義 3.1酒類:指含酒精成分以容量計算超過0.5%之飲料、其他可供製造或調製上述飲料之食用酒精及其他製品,但經中央衛生主管機關依相關法律或法規命令認屬藥品之含酒精製劑,不屬酒類產品。 4廠(場)區環境 4.1廠(場)區不得設置於易遭受污染或造成公共危害之區域。 5廠(場)房及設施 5.1廠(場)房配置與區隔5.1.1廠(場)房應依作業流程需要及衛生、安全要求,有序而整齊之配置,以避免交叉污染。 6機器設備 6.1所有酒品製造、調配、加工、包裝及貯存等機器設備之設計和構造,應能防止危害酒品衛生、易於清洗消毒(儘可能易於拆卸)並容易檢查。 7品管設備 7.1廠(場)房內應設置足夠之檢驗設備(儀器),供例行之品管檢驗及判定原料、半成品及成品之衛生及品質。 8衛生管理 8.1業者應制訂衛生管理標準書,並據以確實執行。 9製程及品質管制 9.1業者應制訂製程及品質管制標準書,並據以確實執行,以確保產出酒品之品質穩定及衛生安全。 10倉儲與運輸管制 10.1倉庫應經常予以整理、整頓,貯存物品應與地面保持適當距離。 11標示 11.1啤酒產品經包裝出售者,其標示之項目及內容應以中文及通用符號標示,並符合「菸酒管理法」之相關規定;該法未規定者,適用其他中央主管機關相關法令之規定。 12客訴處理與成品回收 12.1應建立客訴處理制度,對顧客提出之書面或口頭抱怨與建議,應立即追查原因,妥予改善,同時派人向提出抱怨或建議之顧客說明原因(或道歉)與致意。 13紀錄處理 14人員資格 資料來源:財政部. PBST Beer.

啤酒设备,发酵设备,自酿啤酒设备,新能源设备,电子产品:孔强中德机电设备. THE SMALL BREWING SYSTEMS PAGEPlease read this if you are considering a system smaller than 7 barrels. Please take the time to read this if you are considering buying a system smaller than 7 barrels for a start-up.....

THE SMALL BREWING SYSTEMS PAGEPlease read this if you are considering a system smaller than 7 barrels

Links below provide additional information. This page is designed to inform buyers interested in what we'll call Mini-Micro brewing systems, which for our purposes are those under 7 barrels in batch size. Most of the one seen on the used market fall between 3 and 4 barrels in size. There are a few 1 to 2 barrel systems that show up from time to time, and a very few 5 barrel ones exist as well...5 barrels is actually the rarest of all sizes on the used market. There are one or two applications we feel Mini-Micro plants are good for, and quite a few more that they are not good for. 1. 2. 4. 6. 7.

Frankenbrew waiting list. DVD now available! So, you want to become a Brewmaster? Think you have what it takes to be a brewmaster?

So, you want to become a Brewmaster?

While practice does make you a better brewer, the best way to advance your skill is to train to become a Brewmaster. This means you’ll need education and hands-on experience. Brewing beer at home is very different from brewing beer in a brewery. Many paths to the title “Brewmaster” require college level classes in chemistry, biochemistry, and mathematics. Types of people perusing these paths are: Someone who wants to be a professional brewerSomeone who wants to open a brewery of their ownSomeone who wants a higher position in the brewing industry.

Priming Sugar vs Table sugar. The BrewingTechniques Library. ~ 財團法人CAS優良農產品發展協會 ~ Related Laws and Regulations - National Treasury Agency. 財政部國庫署進口酒類查驗管理資訊網. 菸酒管理資訊網. 依菸酒管理法第十一條規定申請酒製造業許可執照作業流程. Beer Recipe Calculator. 自釀啤酒 Homebrew Supply - 啤酒,Beer,Bier, Bière. Fahrenheit to Celsius Converter. Introduction. Introduction There are many good books on homebrewing currently available, so why did I write one you ask?


The answer is: a matter of perspective. When I began learning how to brew my own beer several years ago, I read every book I could find; books often published 15 years apart. It was evident to me that the state of the art had matured a bit. Where one book would recommend using baking yeast and covering the fermenting beer with a towel, a later book would insist on brewing yeast and perhaps an airlock. Here is a synopsis of the brewing process: Malted barley is soaked in hot water to release the malt sugars.The malt sugar solution is boiled with Hops for seasoning.The solution is cooled and yeast is added to begin fermentation.The yeast ferments the sugars, releasing CO2 and ethyl alcohol.When the main fermentation is complete, the beer is bottled with a little bit of added sugar to provide the carbonation.

Sounds fairly simple doesn't it? 媽媽嘴自釀啤酒同學會 Mommouth Homebrew School. How to make a witbier / white beer from dry malt extract.