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Lord of the Flies - Summary & Analysis by Thug Notes. Chris Gives Wil a Special Gift | Videos | The Nerdist. Ocean Gangnam Style: Hurricane Sandy Report In Norfolk, VA Photobombed. Bent Objects. Chris Stark Interviews Mila Kunis: Good Work, Lad. Unless the critical winds shift drastically, it seems as if the viral video of Mila Kunis’s odd and delightful interview with a rookie BBC reporter during a promotional tour for “Oz the Great and Powerful” will be the best publicity that movie will receive.

The encounter starts as a halting, awkward version of a rote celebrity interview, but quickly veers off-script. Kunis and the reporter, Chris Stark, end up chewing the fat about beer, soccer, and Stark’s friends’ weird nicknames. Kunis is relaxed and engaging and encourages Stark to stay away from his planned questions. At one point, instructed by an off-camera publicist to talk about the movie, she rolls her eyes and spiels off a list of the answers that she gives to every reporter. The video has drawn a lot of praise and attention to Kunis. But, for all the talk about Kunis, perhaps we should take a moment to appreciate Chris Stark. 13 Hilarious Online Reviews Of Extremely Mundane Objects. 35 Lifechanging Ways To Use Everyday Objects. Insidewoodyallen12780.jpg (JPEG Image, 480 × 332 pixels)

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