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Altitude Centre. The Normal Values for Post Exercise Heart Rates. Having a “normal” post-exercise heart rate is extremely important because an “abnormal” post-exercise heart rate is “strongly predictive of death,” according to a study published by “The New England Journal of Medicine” on Oct. 28, 1999.

The Normal Values for Post Exercise Heart Rates

The most important heart rate number is how quickly your heart rate drops during the first minute after you’re finished exercising. Your post-exercise heart rate also measures your fitness. Exercise Heart Rates Exercising helps you improve your physical fitness, mental state and weight, but its most important benefit is its impact on your heart and lungs.

You need to increase your heart rate to between 60 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate to improve the condition of your heart and lungs, according to “An Invitation to Health” author Dianne Hales. - The leaders in Altitude Training Systems.

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