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Your smartphone's secret afterlife (Smartphones Unlocked) A Green Citizen technician swaps out a broken iPhone screen. (Credit: CNET/CBS Interactive) A blue mat, a fine-tipped screwdriver, and a dozen itty bitty screws. This is Titus Green's workspace, set within a warehouse that processes 2 million pounds of unwanted electronic waste each year.

Green, 22, and his team at San Francisco Bay Area e-waste collection center Green Citizen , refurbish 30 cell phones a day to put back into customers' hands. If you don't chuck your electronics down the trash chute (and please don't,) the most likely cycle is that the phone will be refurbished and resold, one way or another. Of the appliances that come through Green Citizen's doors -- computers, old phones, even an ancient sewing machine -- 21 percent will get a second chance at life. Four ways to ditch your old electronics Electronic waste is a huge problem around the globe. Nickel, cadmium, mercury, and lead can leach poisons into the earth, taking 20 years or more to decompose. (Credit: CBS/Barnaby Lo) Facts and Figures – Electronics TakeBack Coalition. Cell phone recycling.

Last weekend, my young son was running around our yard, flipping open an old cell phone and pretending that he was speaking to Spy Control.

cell phone recycling

It wasn’t more than a year or two ago when that phone was my toy. It was new and shiny and it did lots of things my old cell phone couldn’t. Eventually it got replaced by something even newer. Now, here it was being used to relay information about my neighbor’s “nefarious” and “highly-suspicious” weekend gardening to some imaginary spy master (who presumably doesn’t trust mulch or weed whackers). The phone before that wasn’t even cool enough to be used in a game. This Featured Challenge is based on a suggestion made by V-square. The Carbon Connection A cell phone doesn’t have a combustion engine. Let’s look at the life cycle of a cell phone.

The energy and CO2 debt racked up by a cell phone doesn’t end there or even with the electricity needed to charge the phone’s battery. Go check out how many old cell phones you have. So there you have it. Electronics Recycling Carbon Footprint & E-Waste Calculator By All Green Recycling. Envirofone (Envirophone) As our name suggests, we like to do our bit for the Environment.

Envirofone (Envirophone)

We reuse almost all the mobile phones we recover and make sure these handsets go on to have a new life. If the mobile phone is not reusable by us, we’ll send it on to a 3rd party recycler who will then evaluate it and decide whether the mobile can be refurbished, used for parts or broken down for recycling. Waste Transfer Our philosophy is we to seek to provide new homes for the phones, devices and accessories that we buy from customers.

They are not considered waste while they are circulating in the re-use market. Around 98% of the products that we receive are reusable and the small minority that we can’t reuse are sent to a third party for refurbishment or registered UK recycling plants. Reciclaje electrónico. La rapidez con que los aparatos electrónicos son innovados y también desechados con la misma prontitud traé como consecuencia que dichos aparatos se vuelven obsoletos produciendo asi un nuevo desecho: la basura electrónica o e-waste, la cual está identificada como todo aquel desperdicio proveniente de aparatos electrónicos o eléctricos como son computadoras, celulares, TVs, entre otros.

Reciclaje electrónico

Este material de no ser propiamente tratado llega a la naturaleza y la contamina. Todos los días surgen miles de nuevos dispositivos electrónicos que desplazan a otros que, al considerarse obsoletos, son desechados inconscientemente en la basura o bien acumulados sin cuidados para prevenir que sigan contaminando. ¿Sabía usted que el 70% de las toxinas que se desprenden de los tiraderos de basura, proviene de los desechos electrónicos? , No es solo eso sino que actualmente este tipo de desecho representa únicamente el 1% del volumen total de los rellenos sanitarios. Daños al medio ambiente: * Difusión. Home – Electronics TakeBack Coalition. FAKE. International E-Waste Design Competition - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.