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Easy Tempo Changes. Until its recent update, Cubase SX did not have all the specific tools needed for easy tempo changes when, for example, working to picture — but a close look at the tools it does have reveals ways of getting the job done for those who haven't yet upgraded. John Walden This month's Cubase Notes column discusses some of the tempo-related issues that arise when you're writing music to picture in SX. However, before starting we should make sure we're clear about a bit of terminology... A Point To Remember In SX and Nuendo, the term 'hitpoint' is used to mean the slicing of audio loops so that their tempo can be adjusted to match that of the Project. In producing music for picture, media composers often use the same term to describe the timing of key on-screen action (for example, everyone's favourite cartoon mouse hitting an equally famous cartoon cat on the head with a hammer). Got The Time, Mate? Markers As Hit Points Fortunately, in Linear mode the Markers are locked to absolute time.

Working With Video. This month we take a look at building tempo maps for writing to picture in Cubase, using Markers, Time Warping and the Process Tempo command. Mark Wherry Last month we started to investigate working with video in Cubase, looking specifically at the pros and cons of having your video running inside or outside of Cubase, and how to use the built-in video playback features. In this month's article we're going to take a look at the process of actually building tempo maps in Cubase, and you might want to follow the examples discussed with an empty Project on your own system. You won't need any additional video files or musical content for these examples.

If you're interested in running Cubase with an external video machine, check out the 'Slave To The Cubase' box for more information. One thing to bear in mind if you're running video in Cubase is that the timecode of the video always needs to be locked to the timecode of the Project. Hit Me Baby, One More Time Doing The Time Warp Process Tempo. Working With Video In Cubase SX/SL. Since its SX reincarnation three years ago, Cubase has once again become one of the most flexible tools for writing music to picture. Let's investigate... Mark Wherry There are two things you need to master when working with video in Cubase: first, the mechanics of actually getting video to play in time with your Cubase Project and working with timecode, and second, building tempo maps that allow you to accurately place musical moments at specific time locations in the video.

In this month's Cubase workshop, we're going to look at the first of these areas — but stay tuned, as we'll be turning our attention to learning how to build tempo maps specifically for writing to picture in a future issue. There are two ways you can run video alongside a Cubase Project. Despite these advantages, though, running picture in Cubase isn't always the best solution. Running Video In Cubase And that's just about all there's space for this month. Steinberg Cubase Experience, Tips & Tricks. Index. Home : Welcome to Steinberg • Index page.