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How to make ImageView rounded corner in android? | Stark Digital Media Services. Android Asset Studio - Icon Generator - Launcher icons. PortKit: UX Metaphor Equivalents for iOS & Android. PortKit shows you each Cocoa UI Element in iOS 6 / iOS 7 and its Android widget version, side by side, so you can compare and find the correct equivalent when porting an app.

We are a Brisbane based company that develops iPhone & iPad Apps and Android Applications and we wanted a simple way to visualise, reference and compare UI elements, and have quick access to documentation and the respective naming conventions. Due to the popularity of this post we decided to add a tonne of handy resources, tools, and tips that we use day to day available at the bottom of this post. Skip to awesome resources below ↓ iOS 7 UIButton iOS 7 UISwitch iOS 7 UIStepper iOS 7 UISlider iOS 7 UISegmentedControl iOS 7 UIMenuController iOS 7 UIPickerView iOS 7 UIDatePicker iOS 7 UITextField iOS 7 UITextView iOS 7 UILabel iOS 7 UIImageView iOS 7 UITableView iOS 7 UICollectionView iOS 7 UINavigationBar iOS 7 UIBarButtonItem iOS 7 UITabBar iOS 7 UIToolBar iOS 7 UIActionSheet iOS 7 UISearchBar iOS 7 UIScrollView iOS 7 UIPageControl Design. Android Distribution Numbers Update for January 2014 – Jelly Bean Closing in on 60%

Google finally updated its Android distribution numbers today, showing that Jelly Bean has jumped up to almost 60% (59.1%) and Kit Kat to 1.4%. We are also seeing decreases in Ice Cream Sandwich (16.9%) and Gingerbread (21.2%) numbers, something the “fragmentation” champions will certainly be fans of. And that’s pretty much that. We now sit back and watch as Android 4.4 slowly rises and the older versions decline. For the foreseeable future, expect Jelly Bean to remain king. Here are last month’s numbers for reference.

Via: Android Developers. Business Tips: Finding Suppliers and Manufacturers. Product Design and Development: Make Your Million Dollar Idea, Part 2. 1 Million Cups (1MC) - Building communities one cup at a time. - [VIDEO] 5 Rookie Crowdfunding Mistakes by Indiegogo. Crowdfunder - Investment and Equity Crowdfunding Platform.