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21 Examples of Fixed Position Menus in Web Design. A fixed position menu is that one that is fixed relative to the browser window, not only to the page, which means that if you scroll up and down the fixed menu will remain in the same position – so the user can quickly access the navigation no matter where they are in the site.

21 Examples of Fixed Position Menus in Web Design

For today’s post, we gathered some very good examples of websites using fixed menus. In these sites, you’ll see a variety of ways you can use fixed positioned menus – in the header, the sidebar, and even in the footer. b14 Beautiful and clean fixed top right header menu. hard graft Hard Graft is using two fixed position menus, one at the top right corner and the other on the left. Happy Cog After you scroll down Happy Cog’s page the menu gets fixed and will stay there for good. Oncarbure Here they are using a clean fixed header menu. Character An elegant and beautiful design using a fixed header menu. Face. Nice and simple header fixed menu. Resoluut Gnosh MmDesign Undercurrent Undercurrent is also using a fixed header menu. 30 Highly Unusual Web Designs. When it’s working, we call it developing a distinctive style.

30 Highly Unusual Web Designs

When it’s not, we call it falling into a rut. Formulaic, trend-based design might help you get the bills paid on time, but it won’t win you any design awards — and let’s face it, what’s most scary about that feeling is the idea that your artistic side might be slipping as you behave more like a manufacturer. While this is a common feeling shared by all designers at some point in their professional lives, there are plenty of ways to deal with it. One of them is inspiring yourself with the most unusual, out-of-the-box design you can find. Sure, you might not bring some of the crazier stuff back into your work with corporate clients, but it is nice to get inspired again and try a few new — perhaps subtler — additions to your day-to-day work.

Dean Oakley Creative Capital Real-Visuals Roland Olbeter Narfstuff Jiri Tvrdek Paolo Cavanna Zillu Pixelcool Grip Limited Juan Diego Velasco Pretty Production Stripes Design Marc Anton Dahmen Architecture. 21 Examples of Light Color Usage in Web Design. Last week we showcased a list with 21 Inspiring Examples of Dark Colors in Web Design, and this week, to show you a different approach on color choices, we decided to go for a list with examples of websites using mainly light colors on its designs.

21 Examples of Light Color Usage in Web Design

Color is indeed a really important element of web design, so nothing better than showing different approaches to keep you inspired. La Piuma Kipling BdeB Rainstar Boutique The Work Cycle Michela Chiucini Inzeit Stora Enso Appex Plus Plus Neotokio Guilherme Garcia Dawid Wadach Reserved sénic Nicola Cozzolino ChurchMedia Blind Barber Salt Surf one pause Girl with a Camera Source: CSS Design AwardsThe Best DesignsAwwwards. Email Newsletter Templates: 40 Hand Picked Premium Designs. Ever been overwhelmed with your workload and concerned about meeting a project deadline?

Email Newsletter Templates: 40 Hand Picked Premium Designs

If you’ve been a reader of Designrfix for a while now you know we feature the best the web has to offer and typically it’s for free. While we always want to save you a buck, sometimes there are some design elements that we do think are worth paying for…for example; graphic artwork, vector artwork, 3D models and WordPress themes just to name a few. These design and web elements are inexpensive and customizable. Using a pre-formatted template for your work can cut your workload in half and help you meet your next clients deadline. In this weekly series of posts we will feature these various graphic and design elements to help you succeed in lightening your workload and delivering to your client. I am confident that you will find one of these high quality email newsletter templates to fit your every design needs and budget costs.

Want more on Premium Products? Party Flyers: 40+ Awesome Template Designs.