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Alastair Majury on Collapsed Wall Needs Legal Action. A section of wall along the Perth Rd that has been in a collapsed and dangerous state for two years will likely require the council to pursue legal action to rectify the situation.

Alastair Majury on Collapsed Wall Needs Legal Action

Council officers have recently visited the site and have ensured that the Traffic Management team erect appropriate signage advising people that the footway is closed next to this wall. They have also provided highly coloured barriers secured to the existing pedestrian barriers at this location.The footway will need to remain closed until the wall is repaired. The council are unable to simply knock this wall down as it would leave the council exposed legally and rate payers would then likely face a bill to pay for a replacement wall. Repairing this type of wall requires experienced stone masons and would be unsuitable for the Community Payback labour.