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August 2011. Rick Varner has been maintaining a list of his top 100 psychedelic songs over at

August 2011

This would have to be one the best lists I've seen regarding psychedelic music from the 60s/70s. There are some mighty fine songs on this list. Not surprisings, the psychedelic songs of the Beatles feature a number of times. There is no denying that all these bands of this psy songs list had a major impact on the psychedelic music scene and that their influence on the electronic psychedelic music genre is unmistakable. Truth: the Anti-drugwar The "Dangers" of Marijuana. "The concern with marijuana is not born out of any culture-war mentality, but out of what the science tells us about the drug’s effects.

truth: the Anti-drugwar The "Dangers" of Marijuana

And the science, though still evolving, is clear: marijuana use is harmful. It is associated with dependence, respiratory and mental illness, poor motor performance, and cognitive impairment, among other negative effects. We know that over 110,000 people who showed up voluntarily at treatment facilities in 2007 reported marijuana as their primary substance of abuse. Additionally, in 2008 marijuana was involved in 375,000 emergency visits nationwide. Several studies have shown that marijuana dependence is real and causes harm. The Psychedelic Sixties: Hippies. 15 Things about Weed. Seven Things You Didn't Know About Medical Marijuana. Get Topic Updates Share Slideshow Written by Emily Lapkin and Medically Reviewed by Scott Pearlman, M.D. 1.

Seven Things You Didn't Know About Medical Marijuana

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