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Jessica Davis

Jessi D. 19. 19 piercings, 2 tats. I only have a pearltrees account to organize all the chaos I find around, so yeah. Peace (:


Entrepreneurship. Music! Tattoos/ Body Mods. Why You’re Beautiful. You’re beautiful because you’re stronger than anyone thought.

Why You’re Beautiful

I didn’t think you were at first. I expected the pain of your wrecked relationship to eat you alive. I expected you to burst into tears spontaneously every day for the next decade, stop washing your hair and only smile faintly when someone asked how you were doing. Exploring the theory and history of liberty.

Weightloss/ Self- Improvement

Dance. Hair/Beauty Tips. Clothing Sites. DIY Clothes. Study Tools. WRITING. Decor/Home Improvement. Cosmos. Dreamy Images Reveal Beauty in Physics. A dreamy new exhibition of images showcases the art of physics, from the beauty of a bubble rising to the flow of water around coral.

Dreamy Images Reveal Beauty in Physics

The images, part of the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics Gallery of Fluid Motion, are drawn from the most artistic and evocative research presented at the Fluid Dynamics annual meeting. The meeting was held from Nov. 18-20 in San Diego. A panel of referees chose the images based on artistic merit and ability to represent complex physics topics. Among the honorees is a photograph of a flow of honey spiraling as it hits the surface of water in a crystal goblet, representing "liquid rope coiling," a physics phenomenon that should be familiar to anyone who has ever poured a stream of honey onto a biscuit. In the water, the coiled flow stretches and deforms before settling on the bottom of the glass. The accidental universe: Science's crisis of faith—By Alan P. Lightman.

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Marijuana. Cooking/Recipes. Help.