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UdG Doctorat

Management-phd – Management-phd. Doctoraten ADE interuniversitari UOC. PhD in Management Sciences. Universitat de Barcelona Business School. Student Handbook Academic Year 2019-2020 The doctoral programme in Business provides high-level training to researchers in the various aspects of business sciences.

Universitat de Barcelona Business School

Preparation of a doctoral thesis is the main activity of students. The thesis must be a piece of original research carried out by the candidate in a specific area of specialization. Each student will have at least one thesis supervisor, who will provide guidance and support to the student. The university encourages students to publish their research work in specialist scientific journals. The programme is structured administratively as a single line of research in Business, which is subdivided into ten major subject areas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The programme is three years in length if you study full-time or five years if you study part-time. In addition to completing a doctoral thesis, the programme includes supporting activities, such as: 1. PhD in Economics, Finance and Management - PhD - Doctoral programmes. Doctorat en Economia, Finances i Empresa - Doctorats. ADMINISTRACIÓ I DIRECCIÓ D'EMPRESES (Interuniversitari) — Escola de Doctorat — UPC. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

Doctorat en Economia, Organització i Gestió (Business Economics) - UAB Barcelona. Dret, Economia i Empresa. Informació general Dades generals Nom.

Dret, Economia i Empresa

DMan/MA by Research - University of Hertfordshire. About the course This programme is group-based so will give you a thorough understanding of group dynamics, and the way in which they affect change in organisations.

DMan/MA by Research - University of Hertfordshire

Staff and students work together as a learning community, participating together in their research enquiries, in a way which reflects an understanding of organisational life as fundamentally conversational in nature. You will be encouraged to link your experience in the research community directly to your research question, so your work on the programme will be of immediate benefit, both to you and your organisation.

This programme is designed for leaders, managers, internal and external consultants in organisations who want to articulate what is being ignored in the dominant theoretical approaches to organisational life. During your time on the programme you will work with your own experience of change in your organisation, or in your consultancy practice. How to apply Download an application form Why choose this course? Research degrees: Doctoral College. IESE Business School. CADENA DE SUBMINISTRAMENT I DIRECCIÓ D'OPERACIONS — Escola de Doctorat — UPC. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

Nous Doctorands: requisits d'accés i admissió — Departament d'Organització d'Empreses — UPC. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Requisits d’accés Podeu trobar els requisits d’accés al programa de doctorat en aquesta pàgina web de l’Escola de Doctorat.

Nous Doctorands: requisits d'accés i admissió — Departament d'Organització d'Empreses — UPC. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Admissió El perfil d'ingrès al programa és el d'una persona amb formació en administració i direcció d'empreses, organització industrial, enginyeria d'organització o logística, amb un expedient acadèmic de qualitat i amb una marcada orientació a la recerca. En tot cas, s'espera que la formació anterior al màster inclogui al menys assignatures bàsiques d'aquests àmbits (com, per exemple, organització o administració d'empreses o economia i empresa). Si no fos així, s'ha de tenir un màster universitari de l'àmbit de l'administració i la direcció d'empreses o d'organització industrial.

Per sol·licitar l’admissió cal seguir les instruccions que trobareu aquí. El programa ofereix un nombre limitat de places cada any. Un cop resolta la sol·licitud es notificarà el resultat a la persona interessada. Online Proofreader. Sign-in to Mendeley. Participatory Computing for Our Complex World. PhD BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT. The objective of the structured research programme in Business is to create a framework that complements and supports independent research, whilst providing milestones through which the graduate student will advance, and structured educational inputs to support and develop the student.


In doing so, the student will be provided with a robust structure for guiding them through the key stages of the PhD programme towards completion. Students will be introduced to the components of advanced research and will be encouraged to actively participate in academic communication and publishing where applicable. The rigorous nature of the structure aims to ultimately extend the students capability to contribute to theory by developing new knowledge. Closing date Research applications are generally accepted at any time Commences September 2014 (or other agreed time) PhD Program in Engineering Social Technologies for a Responsible Digital Future.

Delft University of Technology establishes a new PhD program inEngineering Social Technologies for a Responsible Digital Future.

PhD Program in Engineering Social Technologies for a Responsible Digital Future

This initiative aims at strengthening complexity science for a better understanding of socio-technical systems and prepare for the challenges of today’s globalized and hyper-connected world. The Faculty of Technology Policy and Management at Delft University of Technology focuses on complex socio-technical systems and infrastructures in energy, mobility, water management and infrastructures. The Faculty of TPM is looking for 10 PhD candidates with a background in computational social science, data science, computer and engineering science, socio-physics, econo-physics, or similar, to jointly study and design complex socio-technical systems.

Understanding complex socio-technical systems in a digital world requires advanced modeling, utilizing the potential of the Internet of Things (IoT) as well as big and smart data. PhD BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT. PhD in Business Management Online Degree Program - Capella University. Overview Capella University's online PhD in Business Management program enhances your ability to succeed as a business professional.

PhD in Business Management Online Degree Program - Capella University

Designed for students who wish to become scholars, with the skills and knowledge to teach, consult or lead, this program focuses on business theory, research, and practice, and features a curriculum that covers business systems, leadership, financial management, accounting, economics, strategy, and social responsibility. Doctorate in Business Administration (part time) The DBA programme focuses on the application of theoretical knowledge to the advancement of management and business practice, and is designed to develop the analytical, conceptual, and critical thinking skills of senior business and management professionals.

Doctorate in Business Administration (part time)

This is a distinctive, research-issue driven programme that is orientated towards senior executives in managerial roles, and combines workplace and professional engagement with the scholarly rigour of the academic institution. This qualification is increasingly recognised by international business and management schools as the most appropriate post-MBA (or equivalent Master degree) route to combining academic research on management and business with further personal and professional development. Programme Goals DBA Information Brochure To Vist the DBA dedicated website Click here. PhD school.

Management and Organisation : Research : Business and Management. We focus on providing rigorous, relevant and evidence-based insights to today’s most pressing management questions and we aim to be at the forefront of these debates.

Management and Organisation : Research : Business and Management

Our research focuses on the behaviour of individuals, groups and teams, organisations as well as inter-organisational topics. Research questions are as diverse as: How do we tackle gender and race discrimination? How can we motivate individuals and nurturing leaders? What could be done to promote environmental sustainability across supply chains networks?