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Gimp tutorials

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GIMP Quick Mask. How to Create text on a curved line in Gimp. GIMP Video Tutorials. GIMP Tutorial - Use Channel Mask & Threshold for Complex Selections by VscorpianC. GIMP TUTORIAL OVERLAY LAYER DODGING AND BURNING. Remove the background from hair in GIMP - tutorial (Cut out hair) How to Convert a jpeg Image into a Vector Image Using Inkscape - Inkscape Tutorial. Burn & Dodge Tool (None Destructive) Creating Circular Text in Inkscape to use in SCAL. How to Outline Text GIMP Tutorial.

A quick an easy way to add an outline to any text. Step 1 Open up the GIMP if it's already not open and create a new file. The defaults are ok for the purposes of this tutorial. Step 2 Now using the text tool (Shortcut: T), add some text to your canvas. I didn't make the color of the text have too much contrast with the color of the background. We'll make the text stand out by giving it a dark outline. Step 3 While the text tool is still selected, select the text you just created. Step 4 Now create a transparent layer under your text layer.

Step 5 Then go to Select > From Path (Shortcut: Shift+V): Step 6 Next, go to Select > Grow and select the width of your outline.