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Paper Aeroplane: Thunder Bomber - All. The worlds best paper airplane. The world length record is 102 feet! - All. Weihnachtsdeko basteln: Weihnachtssterne ohne Kleben - DIY Blog. Weihnachtsdeko basteln für meine eigene Wohnung ist eher untypisch für mich.

Weihnachtsdeko basteln: Weihnachtssterne ohne Kleben - DIY Blog

Und dennoch wollte ich heute eine tolle Anleitung für einen Weihnachtsstern zeigen, der ganz ohne Kleben gebastelt werden kann. Ausschließlich falten und stecken heißt die Devise hier. Das Schöne an dieser Weihnachtsdeko ist, dass man die Variationen der Weihnachtssterne ganz einfach und schnell ändern kann, falls einem die Kombination vielleicht doch nicht gefällt. Oder einfach für das nächste Jahr aufheben und mit anderem Papier kombinieren. Diese Sterne sind nicht zu vergleichen mit den Fröbelsternen, die an Kompliziertheit ja fast nicht zu überbieten sind.

Weihnachtsdeko basteln: Weihnachtssterne ohne Kleben Was braucht ihr:Motivpapier (ich habe hier das Folklore-Motivpapier von Folia verwendet)LinealSchere Bevor es an das Falten geht, müsst ihr für einen Weihnachtsstern insgesamt 8 Papierstreifen zurechtschneiden. . #10-12: Nun die Papierstreifen abwechselnd hineinstecken. Bacio, Anastasia.

Christmas Origami. Christmas Origami is such a wonderful activity for Christmas time... creating something beautiful with your very own hands while being with your loved ones – just perfect for this time of year!

Christmas Origami

And the best thing about origami decorations and gifts is they are so cheap to make! Most of the models in the pictures below are made with scraps of gift paper, and leftover origami paper... and yet they look so lovely! Christmas is about giving your love and your time... so spend some quality time with your loved ones creating origami, and you'll find out for yourself what an enjoyable activity it is! On this page you will find all of these wonderful origami models to make and share, just scroll down to browse through :) Make A Mini Christmas Tree This gorgeous little tree is made with a 15 x 15cm piece of origami paper (the larger one in the pic) - but any paper will do, of course. This mini tree can be a centrepiece for your dining table, or a decoration for your mantle or coffee table. Calendrier de l'avent en origami.

Voici un projet facile à réaliser, mais qui vous prendra, quand même, quelques après-midi.

Calendrier de l'avent en origami

Vous avez encore le temps de réaliser ce calendrier de l’avent en origami, alors profitez-en ! Cette fiche créative vous expliquera, pas à pas, toutes les étapes pour réussir votre composition des 24 jours qui composent ce calendrier. Pour réaliser les boites, j’ai utilisé le papier “brin de houx” que vous pouvez aussi imprimer sur ce site. Bonne création ! Pour télécharger l'ensemble du projet créatif, cliquez sur l'icône ci dessous : Wooden Tree Advent Calendar. One of my favorite things to do for the Christmas season is an Advent Calendar with my boys.

Wooden Tree Advent Calendar

It’s one of their favorite Christmas activities too! Advent calendars are great because they help to remind us of the small joys and wonders of the season in the midst of all the busyness. I try to make sure our activities are things we can do together as a family and that there are ones just for fun and ones that help show the boys that there’s more to the season than just getting things.

Granar av träfanér – Wood veneer trees. Starstruck at Christmas. Regular followers will know of my obsession with all things paper, and with projects which take very little time or specialist skill.

Starstruck at Christmas

As Christmas draws ever closer, I’ve been experimenting with different types of festive stars and bring you some simple projects to try today. My usual reassuring criteria apply; these had to be things I could a) get right the first time – or very occasionally the second; b) could do in front of the TV, merlot in hand, and c) look far more elegant and skilled than the actual labour would suggest. I hope you’ll agree! Below you’ll find my instructions on how to make each of these stars; the classic 5-point Amish barn stars, 6-point folding stars and concertina or snowflake stars, which look beautiful hung in windows.

Once you’ve got the hang of it, each of these are really simple to make and look beautiful when clustered together on a tree, or hung on a staircase - or even just gathered in a large bowl on the table. Gathering Beauty: Diy Origami Gift Boxes. As I mentioned in this post I've been having fun making a whole bunch of these diy origami gift boxes.

Gathering Beauty: Diy Origami Gift Boxes.

I've been thinking about using them for christmas presents (how great would they look filled with these cinnamon sugar coated cashews?) But you could use them all year round to hold whatever you want. Things you'll need to make your own origami gift boxes: Scrapbook paper, Bone folder, Glue, Craft knife, Ruler, And a Cutting mat. 1. To make your origami box you are going to need 2 pieces of square paper, the second needs to be 1/2 inch smaller than the first. 2. 3. 4. 152 2011 12 21 Gift wrapping the Japanese way. Japan Packaging. It's a Wrap: Triangle Origami Boxes. Good things come in tiny packages!

It's a Wrap: Triangle Origami Boxes

I guess one type of candy packaging wasn't enough for me this year. This year though, there's an origami theme going on. Here's a simple triangle origami box or pouch that can hold some loose candy like Skittles or M&Ms. So, I pulled a couple sheets of scrapbook paper from my all seasons paper pad. I picked these three different but complementary sheets. You need to cut small squares.

Start with one square, wrong side up. Diagonally, fold the square in half to form a triangle. Then, fold the square in half again to form a smaller triangle. Unfold once. Do the same with the left corner. Take your other two squares, and make all the same folds. Open up the fold slightly. Now, we're going to have to connect the three pieces together.