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Corset Tutorial | Spider Threads LLC. You have your corset pattern. You have your fabrics. You have taken your measurements, and you are ready to begin. Follow my tutorial for some basic steps and term explanations. I will take you from the initial measurements, through the mock-up, and to the finished product. 1. 2. 3.Arrange and label your pattern pieces into Left and Right, and number them. 4.If you are working with multiple layers of fabric, it will be much easier if you bond some of them together before sewing. 5.For the one-fabric mock-up, pin the pieces together in order, and stitch on the seam allowance. 6.After the last steps, you should have something that looks like one of these next photos. 7. 8.Now you need to decide how you will check the fit on yourself (or the person who will ultimately wear the corset). I used option 1 with the basic muslin, and option 2 with the star fashion fabric. 9.Now, you can test your fitting on a live person. 11.Repeat the bonding and labeling steps. 13. 14. 15.

Custom Fit Corset Pattern - ThreadBanger Forums. Need a better fitting corset without the hassle of those intimidating and confusing patterns? Here are some easy, clear and simple instructions on how to fit and draft your own custom corset pattern. This is for the PATTERN only! I'll add how to sew it up next week, so check back for that part later. The tutorial lives on my blog, if you need it posted here directly, let me know. Custom Fit Corset Pattern Tutorial Enjoy!!

Here's how the finished corset came out... This star is mine. Summer: light weight fabrics, tan skin, sandals and... what's missing? ... A cool, sparkly, big jewelry piece around your neck. ... And if it's shaped like a star, even better :) ! I made my own. --> You need: * glass beads * natural pearls * moon stone beads --> How-to / tutorial: * start by drawing a star on a piece of paper, including a ring on the top, this will be the pattern you'll be using to bend the 18 gauge HH wire in shape * once the star and the ring on top (to make it as a pendant) is done, twist one end of the wire around the next part of the star few times so it won't get undone * cut the wire and eventually twist it again so it won't pinch you, nor your clothes ;) * take the 28 DS wire and wrap it in one of the junction of the star * start beading the big stones first, scattered around (this will give you a sort of spider-web so you will have plenty of wrapping spots for the smaller stones and the beads) This is how the back of my star looks like!

Enjoy the summer! Keep in touch! How to make a god's eye. Last week, I posted two of my God’s Eyes. Detail pic: Now, you can make one so that you’d have a way to invite spirits into your home. Materials: Sticks (I used sticks of a sushi pad), yarns of different colors, superglue. 1) Make 2 crosses. These are labeled Cross A and Cross B in the illustrations (A). 2) Loop yarn around Cross A, like you would when making regular 4-pointed God’s Eye. 3) Do the same to Cross B, but use a different yarn. 4) Put your Cross A over Cross B, with the centers meeting. 5) Now, loop your yarn from 1 to 1A, under Cross B. 6) Loop yarn from 1 to 3A to 1A to 3, over and over again. 7) Loop yarn from 4A to 2A to 4 and to 2 over and over again. 8) Repeat 6 and 7, using the colors you want. 9) Repeat Step 5 for all points of the frame. 10) For the outer frame, loop yarn over all points of the frame. 11) To finish off your God’s Eye, you can attach trimmings, beads, etc. to the ends of the sticks.

Here are other designs that you can make. Tutorial: coffee filter pom poms. Disclaimer: This is a project inspired (nay, copied) by Su’s coffee filter hanging lamp. Isn’t hers pretty? Also, there are many other coffee filter tutorials out there and I bet most of them are more comprehensive than mine. HOWEVER, taking into consideration the materials I had to work with (i.e. I couldn’t find my styrofoam balls), my method works, too. Backstory: Remember this post? And so we have this project… You will need: coffee filters, sturdy cardboard, glue (hot glue would be best), and string Steps: I made three. Locker Hook Tutorial: Basic Preparation. I fell in love with hook locking after I bought the book Hook, Loop ‘n’ Lock: Create Fun and Easy Locker Hooked Projects written by Theresa Pulido last November. The moment I saw the cover I knew I was not going to leave the bookstore until I owned it. Confirmed that I must get one after flipping through the books. The instructions and the projects in this book are so appealing and tempting, I can’t help myself for not trying 1 out.

The way I hook and lock is a little different from the book, so if you want to know how Theresa did it, please refer to Hook, Loop ‘n’ Lock: Create Fun and Easy Locker Hooked Projects . Due to the details of this tutorial, I have to split it to 3 parts: 1. To start off with the basic preparation of locker hooking, you will need to get the following materials: 1. Prepare the Canvas Draw and mark the pattern [click the link to get the free pattern of the coasters] on your hooking rug canvas with permanent marker. Get all updates via email: Guest blog post: DIY bleach tie dye | Free People Clothing Boutique Blog. Last summer, we were obsessed with shibori indigo tie dying. No, really . . . we just about dyed anything white in sight. So when Free People asked us to include a DIY in our guest blogger series, we knew a new tie dye project was absolutely in order. Reverse tie dye or extracting color using bleach has intrigued us for some time now and as the weather is warming up, what better time than now than to start experimenting with tie dye again!

To make a reverse tie dyed shirt, we used a black Free People shirt (bleach works best on natural materials, especially cotton), a few cups of bleach, a bucket, a pair of gloves, a few rubber bands and 2 flat shaped objects. To make a grid-like pattern, fold the shirt like an accordion and bind it between two pieces of wood or any flat shaped object. Hold the shirt in place by wrapping a series of rubber bands around the bind. Before you start the process, make sure you are wearing gloves and bleaching outdoors or in a well ventilated area. Wednes-DIY Home Décor: The Light Bulb Vase | Free People Clothing Boutique Blog. This week we’re sharing some of the blog’s greatest hits! These are some of our most loved posts by you, our amazing readers.

Don’t throw away those old light bulbs just yet! I have a fun, easy DIY for you that will brighten up your home decor or workspace :) This DIY is very simple, but it requires working with glass so you definitely need to be careful! What you need: A light bulb (any shape or size will work!) , pliers and gardening wire. Step One: First you need to remove the little silver layer on the bottom of the light bulb. Step Two: Now you have to remove the black cap from the bottom of the light bulb. Step Three: Once the black glass was removed it was really easy to get the little glass tube and wiring on the inside of the bulb out – I simply tapped it with the pliers and it broke right off. And now you have your empty lightbulb! Step Four: Add flowers and water, and hang with the gardening wire! Now I want to make more! Follow FP Julia on twitter. Trending on Furniture Redo.