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Digital Blending

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HDR Shop 3.1. Master Luminosity Masks With This Tutorial - Digital Blending. Digital Blending Tutorial: Creating Clean & Natural HDR Images Without HDR Software. Jimmy Mcintyre is a travel photographer, educator, and 500px ISO contributor.

Digital Blending Tutorial: Creating Clean & Natural HDR Images Without HDR Software

His photos have been published in local and national magazines, including the BBC. His online courses on digital blending and post-processing can be found in his official website. You can also check out the rest of his tutorials on 500px ISO here. HDR doesn’t have a great reputation. There’s no doubt about that. Luminous bright greens, heavy noise, soft pixels, chromatic aberration, are all characteristics that one typically thinks of when we hear the term ‘HDR’. Essentially, what we’re really referring to isn’t HDR photography, it’s tone mapping, a particular type of HDR. In the world of HDR, there are many different methods of exposure blending, some of which help to create beautifully clean images, while others aren’t quite as tidy. A lot of photographers use forms of digital blending to create clean, crisp HDR images. Luminosity Masks For me, luminosity masks are the pinnacle of digital blending. The Method. The Basics Of Luminosity Masks In Digital Blending. Jimmy McIntyre is travel photographer.

The Basics Of Luminosity Masks In Digital Blending

He is currently undertaking a two-year project in Asia—writing two photography guidebooks for China and South Korea. He has taught digital blending workshops in four continents, and he also offers online courses. You can download his free Easy Panel for Photoshop program, which will create Luminosity Masks for you at the click of a button. But if you’d like to take your Luminosity Mask mastery to a new level, check out his comprehensive Luminosity Masks Tutorial below. by Jimmy McIntyre One day, in the hopefully not-too-distant future, we will carry with us a camera so light and compact that younger generations will laugh at the way we once lugged huge bricks across vast distances to capture a timeless moment. Modern cameras aren’t too far from that now. 2 blended exposures using Luminosity Masks and one long exposure What are Luminosity Masks?

Below is a recent shot from Petra in Jordan. Petra, Jordan. Digital Blending. This subject is featured in Issue #6 of The Luminous Landscape Video Journal.

Digital Blending

The Problem Being Solved In nature when doing landscape work that includes sky, especially early or late in the day, the contrast range encountered often exceeds that which film or imaging chips can handle. It's therefore necessary to find a way to reduce the contrast range to something that the camera can handle so that the highlights don't burn out and the shadow areas don't turn inky black. The Traditional Approach The traditional method of dealing with this is to use split neutral density filters (graduated filters, some call them). This works well much of the time, and I have rarely gone out shooting without my full filter kit at the ready. 1 stop, 2 stop and 3 stop grads, and soft and hard edged versions of each. An additional downside is that using them takes time. Is there a better way? Shooting Technique What you're going to do is take at least two separate frames of the scene. Common First Steps Fig. 1. Découvrir et utiliser le digital blending en 30mn.

Le Digital Blending est une technique de traitement d’image qui consiste à combiner plusieurs photos d’une même scène exposées différemment pour obtenir une image résultante satisfaisante.

Découvrir et utiliser le digital blending en 30mn

Le Digital Blending n’est pas du HDR malgré les apparences. Découvrez tout ce qu’il vous faut savoir sur cette technique et comment l’appliquer en 30mn et en vidéo. Si vous vous intéressez un tant soi peu à l’exposition, vous savez que le capteur de votre appareil photo a une dynamique limitée. Il peut enregistrer des hautes lumières, des basses lumières mais a plus de mal à faire le grand écart entre les deux. Les meilleurs capteurs du moment peuvent prendre en compte des différences de luminosité élevées mais dans certaines situations cela ne suffit pas. Qu’allez-vous apprendre dans ce tutoriel sur le Digital Blending ?

Ce tuto vous montre comment partir d’une série de prises de vues pour arriver à une image finale satisfaisante. Pour suivre le tutoriel, cliquez sur la flèche du lecteur ci-dessous.